aaa, my life!!! Beaches ; ), SurF, lawn tennis, poptarts!, cars, clthes, accessories, toerings, food, crepes!, peaceful, quiet places whr thers less people, gadgets, buttrfly moon&star, green!, writing, doodling weird stuf spntaneously endin up rly absract, bummng
The family called as the Endless: Destiny,Death,Dream,Destuction,Desire,Despair and Delirium..... The Sandman!?! Hah! Anybody! They all deserve to be met...
[hard to be specific]TRANCE, Soothing Trance, House, Global Underground, The chillout project, Techno, jazz(Norah Jones), alternative, Dave Matthews, almost acoustics(Plumb, etc)starbucks', there.Oh, i have sweet favorites.I cmpiled it 2a cd 4 sm1 Ü
Too many! Sweetest Thing!(I can relate!hehe This' so me!Hah) Down to you(i like freddie prinze hehe), chick flicks, Beach, American Pie 1 2 The Wedding, LOTR, Dude, where's my car?[ShibbY!!!] Great! :s there's so many movies in my mind, couldnt think!
sex&the city(all episodes), survivor, boy meets world, F [whoooo]TV hehe..
A Walk to Remember, Alex Garland's harrowing novel The Beach, Dreamcatcher, Neil Gaiman's books, Sandman Book Of Dreams