Miss SWAGGAsoFLYY profile picture


BEAUTY is in the eye of the BEHOLDER. thats WHY i look in the mirror EVERY MORNIN' and realize how F

About Me

take note:

ARLENE.NOT ur average ass CHICK.if that happens to spark your interest, then take the next step. initiate convo. INTRIGUE me.cuz i get bored easily.HOLLA at me.otherwise, keep it lit. filling this out wont describe me in the least bit.it's not that SIMPLE to get to ME.i'm MUCH more complex...yet...i AM a SIMPLE girl.you just gotta WORK me.you've gotta be game.my BULLSHIT radar will MOS DEF steer me away from LAMES.FLYY?? yea thats MY SWAGG. double "Y", plz.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

who would i be WILLING to meet?:

la creme de la creme.someone who can show me sumthin' i don't know.CAPTIVATE my undivided attention.STIMULATE my mind.contradict me.IMPRESS ME!come at ME with some DIFFERENT SHIT.EXTREMELY tired of the same ol'.EDUCATED muthafuckaz is a turn-on."THUG" ass fellaz is so PLAY'D OUT..keep all that SUPER DUPER HYPHY/STUNNA SHADES/TALL TEES shit for the NEXT chick...cuz ARLENE dont fuck wit' it..wanna meet coo folks..down to earth folks...with their own steelo..so..challenge me.i'm game :)

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We were all meant to shine, as children do. It's not just in some of us, it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others"

FOOD FOR THOUGHT:do realize that when you TALK...i only HEAR you.it is ONLY when you ACT..that i BELIEVE.

alotta niggaz is bitchez
alotta bitchez be trippin'
alotta them be wishin that they was in MY position.
alotta niggaz be COWARDS and most chicks be CHICKENS
fuck bout the CLUCK! CLUCK!
MOST dudes is okay [half of the rest aint]
talkin' bout what they wanna do [reality they can't]
ASK them what they life worth [watch them draw a blank]
I really AIN'T GOT NO INTEREST if it dont involve the BANK
MOST of the time I'm nice to them [Half the time I'm not]
It ain't nothin' new though [Learned it from off the block]
People think I changed much 'cuz I'm LIVIN' GOOD
Now they get my voicemail, HEAR THEM CALLIN' ME RUDE?
Sometimes I feel bad [Most of the time I DON'T]
'Cuz if I don't PROTECT my shit [Other niggas won't]
Some want me to neglect MY SHIT [Take it for a joke?!)
But I'm stayin' ON THE GRIND <[b>NEVER goin' back to broke]