I am the symbol of justice. I seek quality, harmony and stability. I balance and measure my life and my descisions. I am a team player. I'm known in my social group as a negotiator, peacemaker and around diplomat. To get close to me, you must know my personality***
My Traditional Traits...
Diplomatic & Urbane,
Romantic & Charming,
Easygoing & Sociable,
Idealistic & Peaceable***
My dark side,
Indecisive & Changeable,
Gullible & Easy Influence,
Flirtatious & Self Indulgent***
My Likes,
The finer things in life,
My Dislikes,Violence,
Being slave to fashion***
I am in a serious relationship and i love every minute of it. I have a special someone who loves and cheris me. We have a beautiful little princess as a result of our genuine love so we call her our "LOVE CHILD"***
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