Cult Mechanics profile picture

Cult Mechanics

About Me

Unofficial History

My name is Jon; well thats the abridged version but its close enough for the record. My band or alter ego is Cult Mechanics, which isnt really a band, actually Im a solo artist because I write, perform and produce the songs. Occasionally Ill invite some friends and fellow musicians to join the fray, but for the most part its my project. I thought I would sit here and write something clever or witty, but I just dont feel it at the moment.
This band, project or what ever you choose to call it isnt about being clever, pretty or sexy for the camera. Its not about marketing, writing or producing songs that try to appeal to the prepubescent masses. It is and always has been about the music! Writing and performing what pours from within ones own soul regardless of whom it offends or inspires. There is no art that sells itself for the benefit of A & R types, radio stations or cooperate executives. If you are interested in the music, or indulging yourself in a certain mood, if you are searching for something that provokes you to think and partake instead of spectate, then listen closely. You might find what you are looking for.
Regardless Cult Mechanics is an idea I had one night during a long conversation with a writer from Rolling Stone about the music industry. In fact the industry has always had its problems, but they continue to grow and become inflated with the passing of time. The mechanics of the industry and/or cult are well documented and we all know how royally you can get screwed by signing the wrong contract. But still I know a lot of musicians who would give their left nut for a record deal. Lets face it we work our asses off to get heard or signed by a bunch of people who for the most part wouldnt know good music if it bit them in the ass, if you don't believe me just listen to any modern rock station. I have a great time living the dream, but the industry sucks the very life out of the art it tries so hard to produce. I mean we all get pigeon holed, categorized, labeled, branded and otherwise stuck into a mold. Lets face it the industry has become bigger than the music it produces. The industry has become to music what the church is to religion, a huge bloated structure that elevates itself above the message it promotes. Agree, disagree, I don't really give a damn! To make a long story short music is about art, not money!Jon
"This album is a great example of the what the Indie music scene is; an excellent musician exploring a wide variety of territory on one album which he'd never be allowed on a major label unless he was of superstar status".
Ben Baker:
CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE THE CD BLACK This profile was made at

This site is maintained by the staff at Communiqué Productions with approval from Jon Westwood and Cult Mechanics. If you experience technical difficulties please contact us.

My Interests


Member Since: 13/04/2006
Band Members: a few people... hopefully with talent...

"Yankee" - the best singer I know
Scott - drums
Hayden - Bass
Jason - drums & persussion
and me Jon...

Influences: That's a tough one, we're influenced by everything we see and hear, not just music. For me it was Jimmy Pages almost incoherent stumbling while playing the most memorable heavy licks in music history. The brooding introspection of the Doors classic The End. John Lennons razor sharp Instant Karma wit. The drop in MudVaynes Nothing to Gein and the raw energy of Refused. Five Times Downs scorching Here I Am. The melody of Paul McCartneys Bluebird. The calm I feel when listening to Miles Davis Kind of Blue. The euphoric presence of DJ Shadows Midnight in a Perfect World. Pete Towsends arm. Ozzys apparent manic depression. Robert Frips incessant perfection and Adrian Belews twang bar. Kurt Cobains tee shirt on the cover of Rolling Stone. Dave Growls ability to write unforgettable hooks. Rage Against the Machines social and political commentary. Mike Scotts acoustic revelations and so many others I dont have time to list..
How about this? Here's whats in my CD case currently and you can judge for yourself.

In no particular order:

Led Zeppelin
Miles Davis
Sgt Peppers
King Crimson
DJ Sahdow
Mud Vayne
Butch Walker
Mike Scott
Rage Against the Machine
The Police
Plastic Ono Band
Queens of the Stone Age
Five Times Down
The White Album
PJ Harvey
Loreena Mckennitt
Nine Inch Nails
System Of A Down
Foo Fighters
Gary Myric
Skinny Puppy
David Bowie
Jimi Hendrix
The Producers
The Swimming Pool Ques
The Doors
Alice in Chains
Dave Navaro
Frank Sinatra
Cemical Brothers
Harry James
John Coltrane

Sounds Like: Various rhythmic and tuned noises a kindred to Radio Head, A Perfect Circle, Maybe some Floyd I don't know - You Decide!
Record Label: The Orchard
Type of Label: Indie

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