I enjoy listening to music and dancing. I like many kinds of music such as raga e and Persian they are alot of fun to dance to.I read a lot of books mostly philosophical I am currently reading I ching which is really opening my mind. I write a little as well as film. I study martial arts such as tai qi, and ving tsun. . I love the idea of qi as inner strength. It was the beginning energy before there was yin and yang.I enjoy playing with weapons such as swords knives , and sticks.I recently began studying massage as well as energy work and acupressure.I've only recently began studying so any advice is appreciated
Open minded people. Perhaps people that have the same interest.I enjoy listening to new music so I am open to new music. I enjoy film so if anyone is in the process of making or has made a film that they wish to share with others I am open to that as well. There are some things that i think i might enjoy seeing I think that it would be cool to see an alien or perhaps just an alien ship.Penfield. In the operating room, "somewhere in the brain of each of us there is a continuous ongoing record of the stream of consciousness, from birth to death" (28).ike
psychadelic, pink floyd,radiohead, thelonious monk, Portise head, tool, opeth, buddy guy, the doors, rage, metallica , experimental,
I like watching the history channel
aldous huxley, shake spear, henry miller, hunter s thompson ,Ramtha, jim morisson,
tessla, alothough i kind of wish he never would have lived it was not his fault and it is valuable lessons for all of us. jesus ghandi and anyone else that is willing to stand up for what they believe is right in the face of evil, persecution, and threat.