Myspace Layouts at / Real punk!!!!
Myspace Layouts at / Real punk!!!!
pUNK ...aNd sOMe oTHers ThaT MakE mE fEEL gOOD ....
tHRillbILLIEs ,SuBUrBIa, gOOd FellAs, rEsErvOIR dOGs, Pulp FicTION, ThE notE BooK, tHE gOOnieS, nORthShore, Sid ANd NANCY, Cool hAND lukE , CrustYS, nITro cIRCus , BlOW , FreakS , elepHANt mAN , CREaturE OF the BLACK LagOON ,JawS. . .
lOst, sopRaNOs AnD tHe YoUNg ONeS ... DoEs AnYONe RemEmbER thAt sHow? dONt rEALLy waTCH tOO MucH T.v. AnymORe .. iTS jUSt So tIMe cONSumEINg ...
A CHild Called It aND thE RESt of THE pelZER bOOKs ,ThE bAskET bALL dIArEYs AND mY fatHERs cRAzY JOurNALS tHAt HaVE bEEn PAssEd ON to Me...
My puMPKin DeAnGelIS