E l e n a ® profile picture

E l e n a ®

LoOkinG for My PeBBle! =)

About Me

WELCOME EVERYBODY LADIES AND GENTLEMAN!ITALY IS EXTREMELY PROUD TO INTRODUCE YOU ALL A GIRL!!!Her name is Elena and It's me! ; ) My friend Anna told me about this site and now I'm here...Well,I come from Italy,from a really nice town in toscany,Lucca.In 1979 Santa Claus made a big present to my parents because on Christmas's eve I arrived in my house,I've got a brother...he is 19...I live whit him,my mother and my father and 2 red fishes:I would like to have a cat but my mother doesn't permit me to take one!I have been studied english since I was a child at school and I like it very much...After high school I didn't want to keep on study so I looked for a job,I was a baby sitter!I like children very much they are so real...they make me feel really wery well..Anyway one year ago I decided to go back to school to improve my english and to learn it better...so now I'm attending to an english school in Lucca,and I'm very proud about me!!!I want to excuse me to you all about the mistakes you can find in my english...I'm also working in a factory near Lucca,I've been working there for 4 years and I like what I do...I hope to find something better soon but for the moment it is ok.I work in a sewing thread factory,it is an english one and is in other coutries too.

myspace graphics

My Interests

I like a lot of things!I love listening to the music,reading books,I love comics!My favourite comics are Charles Shultz's PEANUTS!I have all about them...They make me smile such as MAFALDA another comics drawn by Quino...Somentimes I read manga but my favourite from all my whole life is an italian comic called TOPOLINO (Micky mouse in english) whit all the Disney's tales.I'm not used to read newspapers...I sometimes watch the news on tv or on the radio.I've read a lot of novels,my favourite writer is Isabelle Allende,she is Chilean,she is great! When I'm at work I used to listen to the radio,my favourite is Radio Deejay,one of the most famous in Italy,I love to listen to Rock FM too...GREAT MUSIC!. I like rock,pop...I like Killers,The Darkness,THE STROKES,Avril Lavrigne(I love both she and her songs!) Blink 182,the Muse,Blind guardian,Cramberries,Lacuna Coil and of other groups I like only some few songs...I do also like Enya and Bjork.I don't really like italian music...exept Battiato (I think he is not a singer...He is a poet!)Carmen Consoli,Vasco rossi... I think music is a real good medicine for all...It can bring you where you want to be...it makes you feel well.A beautiful song has got a big power...You can forget the sadness,immagine all that you would like to feel from this world!When I'm tired,sad,I used to listen to some songs I like...It is much better than a doctor!

I'd like to meet:


Glittery texts by bigoo.ws


SOLTANTO NON ...La vita sarebbe forse più facile se io non ti avessi mai incontrata.Meno tristezza ogni volta che dobbiamo separarci meno paura della prossima separazione e di quella che ancora verrà.E anche poco di quella nostalgia impotente che quando non ci sei vuole l'impossibile e subito fra un istante e che poi poiché non è possibile resta turbata e respira a fatica.La vita sarebbe forse più facile se io non ti avessi incontrata.Soltanto non sarebbe la mia vita.Erich Fried (1921-1988)-°-°-°-°-°-°-°-°-°-°-°-°-°-°-°-°- °-°-AMARE UNA PERSONA E’...Averla senza possederla. Dare il meglio di sé senza pensare di ricevere. Voler stare spesso con lei, ma senza essere mossi dal bisogno di alleviare la propria solitudine. Temere di perderla, ma senza essere gelosi. Aver bisogno di lei, ma senza dipendere. Aiutar1a, ma senza aspettarsi gratitudine. Essere legati a lei, pur essendo liberi. Essere un tutt’uno con lei, pur essendo se stessi. Ma per riuscire in tutto ciò, la cosa più importante da fare è... accettarla così com'è, senza pretendere che sia come si vorrebbe.(Omar Falworth)


My Blog


Holy shit I did it again! I made a mess when I was having some heat!Why the hell am I so IDIOT?I'm afraid I wont never change......
Posted by E l e n a ® on Fri, 16 Jun 2006 05:18:00 PST

One bilion handles.

Awake from 5.50 am...Drunk 3 coffee and worked 9 hours...It's tuesday again another new week.I am happy cause a dispute has gone well and I didnt lost someone important.I changed my thoughts about som...
Posted by E l e n a ® on Tue, 24 Jan 2006 11:40:00 PST

Altra massima di Giovanna...

Sempre dopo le 5 di quel venerdi' mattina... Mi lamentavo di nn trovare un paio di scarpe col tacco comode x andare a ballare...E lei: "TROVARE UN PAIO DI SCARPE CON IL TACCO COMODE E' COME TROVARE UN...
Posted by E l e n a ® on Mon, 09 Jan 2006 11:54:00 PST

A volte uno sconosciuto aiuta...

  Questo e' un messaggio di un mio nuovo amico.Messaggio arrivato in un momento particolare,nn poteva arrivare in un momento migliore,mi ha aiutato a decidere e voltare pagina.     &nbs...
Posted by E l e n a ® on Mon, 07 Nov 2005 06:09:00 PST

24 Ottobre 2005.

Oddio ho bisogno di urlare xche' senno' impazzisco oggi! Non so cosa voglio o cosa credevo che andasse bene x me! Ora ce' tanta roba che nn va + bene x me! E ho voglia di urlare xche' mi devo togliere...
Posted by E l e n a ® on Mon, 24 Oct 2005 12:07:00 PST

A day coloured with pastels

Hallo folks!Hey another week is gone thank God...So thinking to this day I realize it was a strange one.Why?I woke up aching all over.And early very early!But I felt a strange feeling cant explain it ...
Posted by E l e n a ® on Fri, 14 Oct 2005 11:45:00 PST


Posted by E l e n a ® on Thu, 15 Sep 2005 04:14:00 PST

_* My VENT !!! *_

Due to my day I need to discharge me!!!!!!!! So:......... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!     I really need to SCREAM today... Hey I'm...
Posted by E l e n a ® on Tue, 13 Sep 2005 09:46:00 PST

* This morning I woke up pissed!!!!!!! *

Hey i'm becoming  sad lately...I feel a big hole in my soul that let me forget I am happy.And what about all the sad thoughts coming out from my days...I would like to be able to erase all the th...
Posted by E l e n a ® on Thu, 08 Sep 2005 12:44:00 PST

* GrEaT FeELiNgS!!! *

I'm here just to tell to my space's friends some feelings...     Today it happens something on my way...A beautiful thing,of course!This evening I feel WELL,really very very well a...
Posted by E l e n a ® on Tue, 16 Aug 2005 01:42:00 PST