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jumpingSOFA people moving around with camera and plan / portable collector of peliculas with No bed / dislake mainstream, dogmatism and caged hens..

Acro Stiletto from jumpingSOFA on Vimeo .

Ojovolador, this is a free style video of Acro Paradigling recorded in Canary Island in FLYPA..09. Parapente Acrobático, estuve en Tenerife con mi hermano Daniel haciendo videos bien tripas para Ojovolador. SKA CUBANO at KOKO, Opening of La Línea Festival 2008, thu 3 april.Gustavo Cerati se presentó por primera vez en Londres en octubre de 2006 en el Forum de Kentish Twon durante la gira Ahí Vamos, tocando temas de sus discos en solitario y los clásicos de Soda Stereo, estas imágenes proceden del video que realicé esa noche.VISUAL ART: ART: Documentary "Painting in the Air, Elias Crespin at Kinetica" UK 2008 Kinetica Museum, the London's first museum focusing in electronic and kinetic arts, show two pieces of Paris based venezuelan artist Elias Crespin at ¨Lifeforms¨ the opening exhibition of Kinetica Museum in october of 2006. With inteviews with Elias himself and Diane Harris the Artistic Director of Kinetica Museum. The music is original from FSOL AKA The Future Sound of London . Directed by Ignacio Crespo/jumpingSOFA Elias Crespin y Circuconcetricos / E.C. with Circleconcentrics. photo by Mena Cimino Jim Bond with his piece at Universal Man exhibition at FORM LONDONBalint Bolygo, Jim Bond and Elias Crespin in the seting up of Universal Man exhibition.MUSIC VIDEO ¨A Vida Rara¨ by Le Picó. UK 2008. First single of the album Le Picó, filmed in streets of Soho and Covent Garden in London in four hours and just two calls from the police...Punk culture got a strong political and musical direction after The Clash started recording albums. They inspired me and still they do. In 2004 I has the chance to went at the private view of "Joe Strummer: Present, Past and Future" exhibition. With this video I hope to start pay the big debt I got with this four guys from west London.

My Blog

Kurdish demo in London / Los Kurdos protestan en Londres

Mas de 1000 kurdos y londinenses marcharon esta tarde del domingo 28 de octubre, protestando en contra de la inminente invasión turca al Norte de Irak, el área mas ¨pacífica¨de la ya fatalmente invadi...
Posted by on Sun, 17 Feb 2008 09:06:00 GMT

PiCS & ViDEOS: CASINO CARBON CLUB: The best of Punk Rock is back in London

Night Four of the Carbon/Silicon residence under the Westway, new pics and few demo videos of my documentation, enjoy and comment!Pint on Stage, Lauren Jones Rules5. The Sound check (9:40min) ...
Posted by on Fri, 15 Feb 2008 17:14:00 GMT

PHOtos *Set*: Wild King: John Lydon AKA Johnny Rotten

Posted by on Sun, 11 Nov 2007 08:29:00 GMT

Venezuela se quema mientras Chávez seduce a Naomi Campbell

Las ultimas noticias que he recibido de Venezuela son bastante angustiantes: no se encuentra leche al mismo tiempo que el barril de petroleo ha sobrepasado de largo la barrera de los 90$p/b. Chávez ha...
Posted by on Sat, 03 Nov 2007 02:31:00 GMT

Manu Chao at Brixton Academy, London 4.10.07

Cuando Manu Chao se llamaba Oscar Tramor. Soy un ferviente seguidor de la Mano Negra, como tantos caraqueños los descubri en 1992, el año de los cacerolazos, la mas memorable edición del Festival Inte...
Posted by on Thu, 11 Oct 2007 00:42:00 GMT