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What Kind of FUNiGIRL are you???

About Me

Home | |Promote Us |Fans |Facts |Trailers & Freebies |Wallpapers |AvatarsWhy were you added? Well, if you are a girl and you love anime - we know you'll love FUNiGIRLS. Tons of free stuff, cool articles... meet great friends and get a load of perks. Join up for free now! Check out
FUNiGIRLS come in all shapes, sizes, tastes and talents.Every girl is a FUNiGIRL at heart in one way or another. As a member of FUNiGIRLS, you will be introduced to other girls with similar interests and hobbies, and you will have the opportunity to get involved by attending FUNiGIRLS planned activities at features regularly updated activities and information on anime and entertainment news, music, fashion, and many other topics that girls care about. It will be a place to meet, mingle, and enjoy discussing your favorite subjects with fellow FUNiGIRLS on the message boards.*Coming soon!Think of FUNiGIRLS as your place to call home. Invite some friends over, attend a party or just visit to grab the free stuff. How you express your FUNiGIRL self is up to you!It's the coolest place on the web for girls who love anime. So, stay tuned here for more FUNiGIRLS fun!

My Interests

* Anime (You name the FUNimation title and I'm all over it) * Teen Drama: Degrassi: TNG, Instant Star = My not-so-guilty pleasures * Comedy * Music and Concerts * Making New Friends and Hanging Out w/ Them

I'd like to meet:

* Other cool girls (like you!) who love anime and entertainment* Boys who support a female voice in anime fan culture* New friends from every corner of the globe (Oh wait, a globe doesn't have corners... hmph... well, you know what I mean* Girls with ideas on how to make FUNiGIRLS even cooler (After all... it's all for YOU!)


Anything and everything! Pop, rock, alternative, dance, some country, j-rock, j-pop, techno, classical even...


Pssst... FMA Movie... Oh, yeah and FUNimation Films... nuff said.

My Blog

AKON in Dallas this weekend!

Hey There FUNiGIRLS!Okay so we are pretty pumped about Akon this weekend. Why? Besides a weekend full of Anime & it's in our own backyard! One thing we wanted to show off was a debut of a con excl...
Posted by FUNiGIRLS on Fri, 01 Jun 2007 01:26:00 PST

FG Newsletters: Dont miss out!

FG Newsletters: Don't miss out! By now I'm sure you've checked out the joys and wonders of all the great content over on, but did you know that if you're subscribed to the newsletter...
Posted by FUNiGIRLS on Mon, 08 May 2006 07:05:00 PST

Convention Volunteers!

..>Be a dear, Volunteer We believe that FUNiGIRLS just wanna have fun, so a FUNiGIRLS party would love to come to a convention near you, but we need YOUR help! It's time for you to don your FUNIGI...
Posted by FUNiGIRLS on Thu, 15 Jun 2006 02:41:00 PST