I currently live in Idaho and no... not in the country. If you would have asked if if I would have ended up here I would have laughed. Idaho is really starting to grow on me, but my heart will always be in New York where I grew up. All my family that still lives there. I miss the diversity. The people there are the best. I can always have fun no matter where I go in New York. I can tend to be a bit too "city" for where I live. But I am making Idaho my home. I bought my first home here. In general I am a person that loves to take off and do things on a whim. Which can also me said about my many changing hair colors and styles. Every pic you see of me, I look different. I'm always all or nothing. So when I have my mind made up...WATCH OUT!! At the monemt I have been really into fitness and different ways to work out. I love the feeling of it when you finish a hard, never think you are going to make it through kind of work out. Just knowing that you did...well I am addicted. My latest can't get enought of is spinning classes. Totally love getting my butt kicked there. I have come to realize in the past few years that I can be quite the fighter when given an hurdle to leap. What you can overcome,just makes you stronger and anything else...Well you learn from it. But I married a the sweetest man and have the cutiest daughter. I try to love life to the fullest. Life is all what ya make it. Everyone should laugh so hard that you pee your pants or have something squirking out our nose!!!