I used to hate karaoke. Now I love it. Beware if I decide to do ALIVE by GODSMACK. I kinda get into it. Or MASTER OF PUPPETS is fun too. Either way they're crowd pleasers. WEE HEE!
At least I love MOST of it, depending on the quality. So I messed up The Fixx song...so what...the chorus sounded good! Back in the day I hated standing up in front of a crowd. Now I get off on it. Find it liberating like walking naked in the woods.
OK so maybe I'm an enigma wrapped in a conundrum... or maybe a dusche bag wrapped in a condom... naw I don't like that at all. Perhaps I'm a rudderless ship cast adrift upon an ocean of deceit & broken dreams...more likely just a drunken message post-er! But I amuse me so who the F cares? Not I...matty.
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