The name is Greg
17 years old, and I attend Inverurie Academy, in 6th year
I live in Scotland, can't complain!
Scenesters suck
Resents bands who do it for the image and to be scene.
And of course I love playing and making music.
My life revolves around it, I play bass guitar, violin, bit of electric guitar, and I fool about with the banjo from time to time.
So fed up with school, ideally I'd want to leave and become a full-time musician, it's hard to find time to practise and write songs. Would be great to spend school time just practising instruments!
I play bass and (try to) sing in Famous Ape , along with friends Stuart, Brad, Ben, Elliot and Bob.
Also play fiddle in Celtic Rock band Celtallica (the name says it all)
Sweden tour was a treat!
I also play in a Ceilidh Dance Function band, Rock 'n' Reel. If you ever need a ceilidh, you know who to come to! ;)
If you happen to share the same interests as me, add me then! :)
[email protected]