- Me..MySeLf..n I -
Ma ProPER NAme is JuLiA JuReMi.....
mA doLL name iS JoNi....
i live in the TowN calleD nEw Town oF KePonG.....
i'm 19 teeN+1....
i liKe 2 pLay PC gaMes....
i play pC GaMes aLL the timE...
i also EnJoY ReaDinG....
i ReaD ALL the Time....
i plaY...plaY...and pLay untiLL i diE....
dEar my freN...
aLL thE teNSion iN tHe worLD todaY ..
wHEn the g00d coMEs to BAd the bAd comEs to g00d...
i dont evEn knoW whAT i sh0ULd saY.....
i analyZE eveRy sec0nd i eXisT....
oN mA miNd eVEry sec0Nd wiTH mA fisTs....
aND evERyb0Dy waNNa ruN....
everyBOdy waNNa hidE froM me....
i kn0w why you waNNa hatE me..
I'm THe patrON sainT of thE dEnial....
With an angEL fACe and a tasTE for sUicidAL.....