I live In Utah, USA. I Love Listening to music. Mainly Rock/Punk Rock
I also love to hang out with my freinds and do stupid stuff! I am really i guess you could say curious. I love to look at the stars at night. and look at the sunsets. but I am also very Random! i say very retarded things alot! I am what you would call an idiot i guess. I know the difference from wrong and right. I guess i just dont care. cause i seem to be in trouble non-stop. And trust me dont ditch school. you could end up in detention/Youth Jail. Roomated with a murderer. yeah thats me.. sluff school = homocidal roomates. worked out wonderful. DONT SLUFF SCHOOL!. but hey im done. thats me for yah. im out, bye. c-yah Toodley Freaking Doo! and Skippy TO!! whatever.. You get the damn point.