Figure Skating, Dance, Nature, Music, God, People, Friends, Family(I miss you Dalen and Kegan), Festive Parties, Most anything fun and exciting...Thank you God for those who are willing to die so that we may live free. James truely is a hero. Thank you service men and women. ..
Genuine and Humble People.
I like most everything besides music that is degrading or shows ignorance on the writers behalf. Sugarland, Bethany Dillon, Shane&Shane, Jennifer Knapp, Shawn McDonald & Faith Hill are among my favorites!
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Ones that make me laugh. I don't like feeling sad, stressed, grossed out or scared so that usually leaves out drama, action, horror ect. Some of my very favories are Ever After, Elf and Enchanted. ;-)
I dont watch tv very often. The news I guess
Not much of a reader.. My attention span needs help.. I am working on it though because I really do love learning. Books that are factual, spiritual or deal with the way people are wired and why interest me. Oh and the ones with lots and lots of brightly colored pictures! ;-)
Jesus for saving my Soul. Thank you Jesus ;-) James E Craig for giving his life for our country. My mother for all of the sacrafices that she has made for me... and my dad for his passion that is both inspiring and motivating. Thanks dad ;-) Also, I dont know what I would have done without my faithful friends. Thank you all!! mwah!!