i <3 my honder! profile picture

i <3 my honder!

I made mistakes that I regret so much. But if you learn from your mistakes, Then I must be Genius

About Me

The Facts about me -stoxkton since birth -young -spontaneous -outspoken -passionate -determined -northenerZ -School boy -azn -18 -6 foot tall- outgoing -romantic -piano is my relaxation -cars -hip hop head -changing constantly -loving my life -lookin for a down ass lady.. I am trying to keep it simple but if you want to know more get at my sn. the end
Siri's story of child sex tourism
"Thailand has always had slavery but never before on this scale and never before as the new slavery," said Dr. Kevin Bales to this journalist. Dr. Bales describes one young sex slave, Siri, whom he met and interviewed at a brothel in Ubon Ratchitani, northeastern Thailand:
"When Siri wakes, it is about noon. In the instant of waking, she knows exactly who and what she has become. The soreness in her genitals reminds her of the fifteen men she had sex with the night before. Siri is fifteen years old. Sold by her parents a year ago to a woman broker from a Northern village, the broker assured her parents they would be well paid for their daughter. After some negotiation, they received 50,000 baht [$1,318] for Siri. This exchange began the process of debt bondage that is used to enslave the girl. The daughter's labor must pay back the loaned money before she is free to leave the brothel. However, her debt has escalated in a short time to 200,000 baht for her rent, food, drinks, medicine, and fines if she did not work hard enough.
"Siri's resistance and desire to escape the brothel are breaking down, and acceptance and resignation are taking their place. After she was sold and taken to the brothel, she discovered that the work was not what she thought it would be. Siri had a sheltered childhood and was ignorant of what it meant to work in a brothel. Her first client hurt her and at the earliest opportunity, she ran away. On the street with no money, she was quickly caught, dragged back, beaten, and raped. That night she was forced to take on a chain of clients until the early morning. The beatings and work continued night after night until her will was broken. Now she is sure that she is a bad person. Girls in Thailand, like Siri, are sold into sex slavery by the thousands. Money, culture, and society blend in new and powerful ways to enslave girls like Siri." (Source: "Disposable People-New Slavery in the Global Economy," by Dr. Kevin Bales, University of California Press, 1999.)

My Interests


I'd like to meet:


-mosaek -ayb -protege -nonsense -nas -immortal technique -shing02 -nujabes -jurassic 5 -zion I -the grouch -tantrum -common -hieroglyphics -souls of mischief -Talib Kweli -Casual -Lupe Fiasco -De La Soul -Atmosphere -Jedi Mind -Slug -Mobb Deep -Mos Def -Canibus -The Roots -mf doom -Das efx -Akrobatik


hella azn



"intelligence and character are the true goals of education"

My Blog


[Verse 1:] Pardon Darling ..If I Alarmed Ya I Dont Mean To Bother You I Jus Wanna Get You To Pause And Slow Ya Walk So Maybe We Can Talk And I Can Try To Charm Ya Just Trynna Find Out Who You Are...
Posted by i <3 my honder! on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 02:37:00 PST

lookin for da special girl.

Daniel D  Pass me by [ Verse 1 ] Been waiting by the phone at night ( at night ) Anticipating every call Don't wanna watch what we have left ( have left ) I know that love takes some time I...
Posted by i <3 my honder! on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 02:33:00 PST

the greatest ironies of love...

THE GREATEST iR0NiES 0F L0VE... The greatest irony of love:Loving the right person at the wrong time,Having the wrong person when the time is right,And finding out you love someone right afterThat per...
Posted by i <3 my honder! on Sun, 10 Jun 2007 11:41:00 PST

randome thoughtz

hink about trust, faith, and hope bchuz its useful.  This life is a new beginning chuz people changes. remeber who is dere for you..and who is dere to diss you.  Noe ur friends from ur enemi...
Posted by i <3 my honder! on Thu, 22 Feb 2007 07:42:00 PST

reason, season, and lifetime

Reason, Season and Lifetime People come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime.When you figure out which it is, you know exactly what to do. When someone is in your life for a REASON,it ...
Posted by i <3 my honder! on Thu, 13 Jul 2006 11:33:00 PST


Dear Girls (from us guys)...Don't assume that guys won't care where you are, because we do.____________________________________________________It makes us feel SO secure to know that our girlfriends a...
Posted by i <3 my honder! on Wed, 29 Mar 2006 09:06:00 PST


True Relationship on Guys and Girls Guy Facts: When a guy calls u he wants to be with you When a guy is quiet, He's listening to you... When a guy is not arguing, He realizes he's wrong When a guy say...
Posted by i <3 my honder! on Sun, 05 Mar 2006 03:14:00 PST