I love "The Arts" and love art galleries and museums and suchlike. I love theatre, and especially adore Shakespeare! I've been volunteering for five years with the Fringe Festival and sometimes for Art-A-Whirl.In good weather, I can be seen running around town on 'Skuldurid,' my lovely little Harley. I'm also known to go punch holes in paper targets with a .357 Mag. for recreation.So basically, I'm a quite civilized barbarian.....More Sordid Details are available at ---- http://www.members.aol.com/wodurid
Basically, I'm on MySpace in order to communicate with friends who are not on Live Journal.My main 'presence' is on Live Journal. So if you want to keep up with my 'life & times,' and find interesting philosophical rants, and also heretical "Bishop" Bruce's blasphemous and irreligious "Sunday Sermon" each and every Sunday, go find "Wodurid" on LJ.
Mostly: industrial, darkwave, goth, classical and also like Scandinavian "roots" music
Sci-fi, horror, historical. I also quite like "period" movies and "art house" movies and foreign films such as shown at The Uptown and The Lagoon. Not much at all for Hollywood "Blockbusters".I'm also not much for the sorry-ass state of what passes for comedies in today's motion pictures.It's not that I don't have a sense of humor. It's that I don't care for "senseless" humor, capsci?I'm not much either for most of these shoot-em-up "action" movies either. I don't abhor guns and violence, mind. I however do abhor movie heros running around shooting all the bad guys -- without actually aiming their weapons -- and without reloading or running out of ammunition -- and somehow surviving with only a few cuts and minor wounds. Get real.
BBC News feed on CH17 is the only thing worth watching. I don't watch much TV and don't have cable, so.....
I mostly like the so-called Cyber-Punk genre. I also love "good" historical fiction, (which is to say, that is not written with a modern perspective)Other than that, I've got raw tonnage of books on futurism and on sociology and on nonprofit management and on progressive business management practices.
"Oh, I have no more illusions." - Cyrano de Bergerac