Right now I'd like to meet me...10 years into the future. Just want to make sure everything turns out ok.
I try to be very open minded when it comes to music, but hard core metal, country, and trance just don't do it for me. Everything else is equal opportunity, but Z Trip & Goldenchyld get preferential treatment.
Too many favorites to name... but Neverending Story is NOT one of them!!!
Grey's Anatomy, LOST, Heroes, Beauty and the Geek, How I Met Your Mother,Sex and the City,Saved by the Bell, old school WWF wrestling, Boy Meets World, My So Called Life, Wonder Years, Felicity, Dawson's Creek, Fresh Prince, Alias, the OC. I also like to browse through the Travel Channel, Bravo, & Noggin'
Harry Potter,She's Come Undone, Barrio in the Heart, Broke Diaries,Jemima J... always looking for suggestions.
My Family & Friends are the greatest heroes in my eyes..oh and Hiro from Heroes.