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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I am 25 years old. I love Jesus with all my heart. He is not only my savior but my Lord. My mission is to tell others about His kingdom and who He is. I love to read and study, especially God's word the Holy Bible. I am going to declare His truth everywhere I go, because in this world the truth of God's word needs to be spoken out. I am a very outgoing person. I am part of the House of Prayer in Springfield, IL. I went to India and Nepal in 2005-March 2006. I do plan on going to the nations when God leads me, right now the mission is in Springfield and to see revival in this nation.
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My Interests

Singing and dancing, being with my friends and reading books, I also really love church history.
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I'd like to meet:

Honestly I won't mind meeting anyone. But the only person I look forward in meeting is Jesus in the second coming. I also love to meet new people. I know most people name famous singers or actors, but I really don't care to meet those people unless God runs me by their path. I know this sounds silly but this is really me heart.


I mostly listen to anointed worship music. I love Jason Upton. I also listen to Rita Springer, Misty Edwards, Rick Pino, Kari Jobi, Eddy James, and Heather Clerk. I love to sing. Alot of times there will be new songs in my heart. Most of the time I write them down, but I can only play little bit of piano. I love music that glorifies Jesus


Chronicles of Narnina, Passion of the Christ, Anna and the King, the Happiness of the Sixth Inn, I love old time movies. I also love the Sound of Music,because I know all the songs and Fiddler on the Roof. One Night with the King and Patriot.


I really don't care for TV. If I do it is Travel the Road or the designing shows.


Making Jesus Lord, Loren Cunningham The Heavenly Man, and all the Smith Wigglesworth books, and Always Enough by Hedi Baker, when Heaven Invades Earth, Supernatural ways of Royalty, and Rediscovering the Kingdom. My favorite book is the Holy Bible-inspired by the Holy Spirit.


Jesus is my number one hero. Then Paul in the bible, and Amy Carmichael, Smith Wigglesworth, and all those brave soldiers in God's army.

My Blog


God has been doning alot in me. Well, what about those earthquakes? Anyway, I wanted to share how on Good friday March 21st I had a dream. In the midst of the dream I was kind of awake and kind of a s...
Posted by Childforgod98 on Thu, 24 Apr 2008 05:54:00 PST


We just heard this amazing teaching for the new year. There are 4 gates that the church must enter into this year. I know this is what God has. This an year of New Beginnings, but we must enter throug...
Posted by Childforgod98 on Thu, 28 Feb 2008 05:04:00 PST


I just wanted to give all my friends an update on my life. God is doing so much in me. I don't understand everything, but He has been so good to me. He is building my character in so many ways. This M...
Posted by Childforgod98 on Wed, 07 Nov 2007 11:10:00 PST

Abiding in christ.

Lately, I feel that I have failed God over and over again. That I have been so distracted by the things around me. Then today I ran across this verse in the bible: 1 John 3: 5-6 You know that He (M)ap...
Posted by Childforgod98 on Thu, 07 Dec 2006 11:49:00 PST

No Part Dark

Scripture: Luke 11: 33-36 Darkness-is associated with evil, danger, and crime. Evil-That which is not in harmony with the divine order both moral and physical. Moral evil or sin, is any lack of confor...
Posted by Childforgod98 on Wed, 24 May 2006 11:23:00 PST

True Christains

Where are the true christians? Where are those who are going to choose to keep pressing on, even when the road gets broader? Where are those who are going to love Jesus even when everything around us ...
Posted by Childforgod98 on Mon, 24 Apr 2006 09:31:00 PST