~*Mariposa*~ profile picture


My heart is in Gulf Shores...

About Me

Well, lets see, what is there to tell. Im a freshman at Georgia Perimeter, and Im totally enjoying college. I love music, and would be completely lost without my sense of hearing. I am 100% Catholic through and through. I love my church family, and would be in SO much trouble without them. Also, my Girl Scout sisters. They are always there for me. And, of course, there is Caleb. My boyfriend, my comfort, my strength, and my friend. He treats me the way a girl should be treated...like Im his princess. He means everything to me, and I am so happy that he came into my life. I love him so much, and thats all there is to it. I think that about wraps up me...anything else, just ask! :)

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Helen Roszkowski...she was my grandmother who I never met. Im supposedly alot like her. I cant wait to see her one day...