My favorite place to hang out in is a dimly lit bar with comfy wing back chairs, cool electric lounge music and a full bar. Check out the lounge in the Biltmore Hotel... YUMMY
Other Rockstars such as myself!
Right know into lounge electric.Just to list a few other favorites: Blur, Cocteau Twins, Annie Lennox, Siousie and the Banshees, The Smiths, Morrissey, The Go Gos, Bauhause, Marc Almond and Soft Cell, Roni Size, Bjork, Lemmon Jelly (Thank You Robert) NIN, Tori Amos, Louis Armstrong, Cher, Neil Diamond (I love you Jessica!!!)
Everything Tim Burton, Musicals, Fantasy, Sci Fi, Brittish Mysteries, Period.
Sucker for Reality TV, DIY, cooking, history, travel
Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Mystery, History
My Parents, after all they have been through are still able to laugh at themselves and as eccentric as they always been!My philosophical heroe has always been Joseph Cambell