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Mystic Love

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

If you have time to read this section then you will know that I am all about love. I mean real unconditional love. Who is the greatest giver of this love, God. I mean who else would sacrifice there only child to save the souls of the world. I know that in today's society many men are being sacrificed for the love of their country. I commend them because they are walking in a Godly way. God is smiling on them everyday. I don't agree with war, I wish all of us could live in peace but reality is that murder has gone on since Satan entered the picture.So what does this have to do with me. Well it makes me think about myself and how important God is to me. I mean I know you hear it all the time "You need Jesus." Although we love to use this phrase in a comedic way it is the truth. I mean for me and I can only speak for my self, I enjoy knowing God. I mean I can't quote the Bible but there are things that I am taught from the scriptures I know that make me feel fortunate. And when you fellowship (associate) with other believers and Christians it's a beautiful thing. I mean we get excited to talk about him. I know that there are many of us that say God, Why did you take them (loved one's) from us? Did you ever think God was protecting them from the dangers of the world and snagged them from the perilous journey they may have had to walk if they were still here. I mean if you look at it that way He loved them enough to take them out of this world to a place of peace.I have friends that say I am going to be blessed. Reality is I am already blessed and I am very very very happy to be one of God's favorites. I say favorites because I can site many times when my prayers were answered and when He showed up right on time. I mean that's the greatest gift of all. A real friend that doesn't leave you when you are down. He provides for me and gives me peace in knowing that He loves me. I can't doubt His love for me when it's evident everyday. He's a shining light in my life and I really want the world to see that in me. I want them to see that God is a part of my everyday life.I mean look around you. If you think about the everyday miracles such as the earth spinning on a proper axis so that we can keep our feet on the ground. The fact that he gave man the intelligence to invent cars and how to make them safe. How he allows the rain to fall and the trees to cleanse the air for us. I mean wake up and just know that you were able to open your eyes is blessing enough. So many things to Thank God for. I mean I really don't want to live with out him. How can I... He is my source.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I would like to meet my ancestors because of the beauty I know they possessed internally and externally. I would like to meet my great grandmothers because if they are anything like my mother and my grandmothers then they were very strong, fun, and respectable women. I also would like to meet other people of like mindset as mind. People that are caring but those that know how to take time for themselves so that they can teach me. I would also like to meet the man that God is preparing me for so that we can get this show on the road... Patience is a virtue and boy am I learning it.Lastly I would like to meet the strong black women of the past and Thank them for all of their struggles and their understanding of the word help-mate... They helped shape this earth... They keep society going... They and the woman of today keep this planet exsisting for without us, man kind would stop which is why God gave us as a gift to Adam and to man.

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