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I am here for Friends

About Me

I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!
I'm Emily
I moved to Norwich about 18months ago but still don't know my way around!!I'm doing A-levels in French, Business and Media. But that's over on the 21st June, so erm..a new chapter I guess????
I like new challenges but I'm quite indecisive
considering Universty in 2008..not really sure though...
I like how guys smell
I like everyone thinking I'm at the UEA at the moment woop woop
i love not getting turned away from clubs/pubs anymore
I love my friends
my daddy
my brother Ells, who's a bit of a legend really, well on pro-evo
i love living in Norwich
people ringing on my buzzer haha :P
my apartment
cleaning it haha
*i actually do*
cooking for myself/others
that new groove armada song
smiling, I always do
incubus (seeing them on september 21st in nottingham)
reminiscing over old times; I've left a whole life behind in Milton Keynes
seeing old friends
the end of the ''Parklife' ' video
LOVE Damon Albarn
his lyrics
his face
radio two on a saturday morning - awesome!
underwear from Accessorize
getting a text when i least expect it
trying my hardest
I love Shreddies
and jacket potatoes
meaningful hugs
The nineties
having friday's off
the fact I have internet in my room --Finally
putting on make-up
MAC make-up
my organiser
my little white shorts - biddy will be baring her legs this summer
i like not really ever getting hungover
I love my oldest friend, Katie
sorry I put the thought of drinking and then her, but she loves it!!!
I have grown up a lot over the last year
sometimes, I like the fact the my life is still undecided
sometimes IT SCARES ME!!I don't like
people on motorobikes who drive really fast down ipwsich road grrr
people who pretend to be stupid
false people
judging people too quickly
always running out of time
people who compete over being cool
not drivingthat my mp3 player broke...erm...

My Blog

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