Broshich Shto Se Teshko Pribada® profile picture

Broshich Shto Se Teshko Pribada®

There are reasonable doubts that I am a true genious... :)

About Me

It's hard for me to wake up, and even harder to stop dreaming... (that would be the best description of me... Balasevicevim rijecima) I'm a third year student (English Language and Literature)... I love my life...(thank God)... :) Sometimes it goes up, sometimes down, but I manage with it somehow... My friends back me up here! I'm not a person that can easily take off a smile... :) I LOVE life, colours and smiley faces! :) Music is my aeroplan... :) The hero of my life is my little brother! Don't know what would I do without him! I'm quite religious... I'm afraid of the hight but force myself on bungee jumping (one of the best things I ever did), paragliding (good but not as good as bunggee) and looking down from the top of my building... I'll die of fear one day! Don't know why I do that! :) I LOVE rollerblading, nothing can relax me more than my rollerblades (that's where I release my negative energy)... I love dancing and clubbing... :) And by the way speaking with your mouthful PISSES ME OFFFF!!!! But really! And I dream about going to Novi Sad... I know its not far but I never had the chance... But Novi Sad watch out couse here I come... :)"IT'S ONLY SHALLOW PEOPLE WHO REQUIRE YEARS TO GET RID OF AN EMOTION. A MAN WHO IS MASTER OF HIMSELF CAN END A SORROW AS EASILY AS HE CAN INVENT PLEASURE. I DON'T WANT TO BE AT THE MERCY OF MY EMOTIONS, I WANT TO USE THEM, TO ENJOY THEM, AND TO DOMINATE THEM."

My Interests

I love art... I paint sometimes... I don't believe my paintings are much of an art but I paint them for my own satisfaction... And I LOOOOOVE rollerblading... :)

I'd like to meet:

Milan Kundera, Djordje Balasevic and Dido... What a combination... :) (and lately Pat Metheny, I would just LOVE to see him play live!!!)


Dido, Portishead, Jamie Cullum, Reamonn, Eric Clapton, Norah Jones, Anouk, Tori Amos, Maroon 5, Vaya Con Dios, Alanis, Amy Winehouse, Macy Gray, Jamiroquai, Pat Metheny (a big fan)... Balasevic (ma sta slusam, ja zivim njegove pjesme), Erogene Zone, Sikter... KZU PZU (hihi...)


I love movies but I realy can never outline the special one... I love spanish cinematography though...


Yugi Oh! (Laugh as much as you want, but I'm still a card expert, I would beat you in monster game any time)... :)


Because I study literature I have to read a lot of books but that's mostly 18th and 19th cent. literature (not so interesting, at least for me) but my best book ever is definitely The Unberable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera, I love that psycho! :)I svaka Balaseviceva knjiga, naravno da sam sve procitala, zar neko sumnja? :)


My brother! The light of my life!

My Blog

Drugim ocima gledamo... :( (Kamilici)

Nismo nikada bile ovoliko razdvojene... Ne mogu vise... Covjece, KAKO MI FALI! Ne znam normalno da funkcionisem bez nje jebo te! Al ono fakat to mislim... Ko dijete u pubertetu sam... Imam krize kad m...
Posted by Broshich Shto Se Teshko Pribada® on Thu, 06 Sep 2007 04:33:00 PST

Cudo moje...

Ne... Mi nismo bili ljubavnici... Nikad... Samo smo se ponekad malo gledali, kad nas nisu gledali... I to je sve... Oboje smo nosli polovinu jedne davno polomljene tajne, ali nismo pokusavali da je sa...
Posted by Broshich Shto Se Teshko Pribada® on Thu, 09 Aug 2007 05:43:00 PST

Ovo ne mogu zadrzati za sebe...

Ovo je jedna poruka od meni strasno dragog stvorenja (fuj bljak fuj) i tako sam ga razumjela u potpunosti, do posljednje rijeci i posto u ovom trenutku osjecam isto ogorcenje samo cu postati njegove r...
Posted by Broshich Shto Se Teshko Pribada® on Wed, 13 Jun 2007 04:29:00 PST

Korak iznad duge...

Eh kako se covjek preporodi na rolama... Fakat odfuram sa ovog svijeta... Do neba... i dalje... korak iznad duge... I tad sam samo svoja, nikome duzna, ni za sta kriva, samo svoja... iznad svoje duge...
Posted by Broshich Shto Se Teshko Pribada® on Mon, 02 Apr 2007 11:58:00 PST

Nepodnosljiva lakoca postojanja...

Imam kuhalo za vodu koje kad ukljucim radi kao da se konektuje na internet po dial up-u... A kako i ne bi kad se jadnik po citav dan "konektuje" i pravi kafe! A ja... Eh ja... Jadni Sekspir bi sve pl...
Posted by Broshich Shto Se Teshko Pribada® on Thu, 29 Mar 2007 05:28:00 PST

Ovo mi je skola...

Ovo mi je skola i drugi puta cu pametnijejer falis mi do bola i znam da bice jos i bolnijejer svaka ljubav nova rusi vjeru u tebeovo mi je skola i drugi puta cu pametnijeKoje su to rijeci sto su meni ...
Posted by Broshich Shto Se Teshko Pribada® on Sun, 26 Nov 2006 07:33:00 PST

World Cup

This is not fer!!!! How are we supposed to study during the World Cup going on??? It is not possibile! It would be possible if there was something that would make me awake 24/7... But of course t...
Posted by Broshich Shto Se Teshko Pribada® on Sun, 11 Jun 2006 04:10:00 PST


Why am I so lazy sometimes... I managed so much in these last few weeks, I've passed some really hard exams and now when I'm left with this one - the deciding one, I'm so lazy again... I mean I am qu...
Posted by Broshich Shto Se Teshko Pribada® on Sat, 10 Jun 2006 06:45:00 PST

My best friend's birthdy...

I have a problem... I don't know what to buy to my best friend for his birthday... I have NO idea... So if u have any suggestions please let me know... BTW he's male, 20 years old, just an o...
Posted by Broshich Shto Se Teshko Pribada® on Sun, 14 May 2006 11:28:00 PST

The fire fades away...

Over the sea and far away She's waiting like an iceberg Waiting to change But she's cold inside She wants to be like the water All the muscles tighten in her face Buries her soul in one embrace They'r...
Posted by Broshich Shto Se Teshko Pribada® on Sat, 13 May 2006 11:03:00 PST