I consider myself a cool, laid back chick. I LOVE music. I can't sing, play an instrument, or write music but it is what I am most passionate about. Go figure. I love going to concerts and hanging out with friends having a few drinks. I really like musicians or artists or any creative types.
Randomness- my favorite color is lime green, i love caesar salads and potatoes, i'm afraid of the dark, i hate tomatoes but like ketchup,don't like peaches but like peach cobbler,i love tattoos and irish carbombs,i have never been in love,i agree with Lou Dobbs there is a war on the middle class in this country,i am very compassionate,i want to live in NYC at some point in my life,i think extremely spoiled children are equivalent to corrupt politicians (they are both out for themselves only), i find Adrian Brody and Hugh Laurie (House) oddly sexy!I miss New Kids on the Block and I used to be in love with Mark Slaughter, hey I was like 12. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it. I love passionate people. Not necessarily in a sexual way (of course I don't mind that)but someone who has a love for something that is interesting to them. I love how someone's eyes light up when they talk about what they enjoy. Speaking of passion, I went to my 13th DMB show this year. If I had it my way I would quit my job and follow Dave Matthews Band every year for their summer tour. Dave is the greatest! I've been a fan for 14 years and he still leaves me speechless!! If you are intelligent,witty, fun or a Dave lover, drop me a line. I enjoy meetng new people.
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