Evan Thomas™ my life is too short. profile picture

Evan Thomas™ my life is too short.

i'm going to travel the world one day, and i'm bringing my camera with me.

About Me

this "about me" gets updated quite often, mostly i just add to the end of it, i don't feel like going through and deleting and changing stuff, maybe i'll cross stuff out? idk. haha.

alright, so some of my friends in real life told me that i should really have something written here. so i'll think of something. i honestly have no clue what is interesting about me that you'll read, and it's 12:34 AM, not too late, but late enough for me to be like "fuckk itt" so i'm just blabbing. here ew we go.
have lots of friends, but only a few that i really trust. i don't trust many people, but i assure you, i trusted them all when i first met them, they gave me reasons not to trust them. they're all ass holes. =].
i have really low self esteem. or as my english teacher said a kid thought it was "self of steam" XD, i'll never forget that, i think it's so cute. but yeah, back to my self esteem. i hate the way i look. i see myself every day, so i notice things about myself that you don't. i've been told by people that i look better in real life than in my pictures, i hate my pictures though, i hate my real life face. haha.

alright, so here's a BIG update. on August 20, 2006 i discovered that the game "space channel 5" will make me so angry i will consider punching the floor of a trailer.
okay, so here's some frustration i need to get out. i HATE when people think they're hot shit when they're not. i LOVE when people know they're not, and keep quiet and don't care. i LOVE when people KNOW that they're hot shit and rub it in my face. i don't know why. but when people just think that they're hot as hell and they are really not, i get pissed off. laksjfdlad. there seems to be a lot of that on myspace, and in high school.

i'm really interested in art, mostly photography, but i've messed around with drawing, neither of which i am great at. i take artistic pictures, sorry if they sometimes look slutty, i get ideas for pictures and since i have no models i use myself, so i totally rock the myspace-arms-length-away in like every picture. i don't trust other people taking my pictures, because they don't know what they're doing and they make me look fat, which i am, but i just know the rules to make people not look fat, so ha. i win. =].
i'm like, REALLY afraid of the sound when i vaccum, if that's how you spell the damn word. but yeah, it kills me. i get paranoid, and i keep turning the vaccum off and checking other rooms, like, if i were vaccuming and not paying attention, somebody could easily sneak into my house, it freaks me out. and to make it worse, most of my apartment is hardwood floors (actually all), so it's EXTRA loud. ahhhh.

so there's basically some information for you to start on, that's my life so far,
[..to be continued].

i'm not racist, i hate everybody equally.
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My Interests



moulin rouge.
the little mermaid.


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My Blog

old pictures. (1/27/2007)

retired: september 1, 2006.retired: october 8, 2006retired: october 24, 2006retired: december 23, 2006retired: january 27, 2007...
Posted by Evan Thomas™ on Fri, 01 Sep 2006 10:27:00 PST

stolen summer survey.

[[ This Summer... Have You ]]1. drank alcohol?:  mmhm.2. cried? yeah man.3. kissed anyone?:  yup.4. been on a vacation to a different state?: not even out of the state.5. been on a vacation ...
Posted by Evan Thomas™ on Wed, 23 Aug 2006 09:56:00 PST

funny stuff with Jess ***CHEM VIDEO HERE***

how we learn chemistryomfg. so funny. pause my regular music then play this. everytime i watch it, i hear something funnier in the background. =]. haha, jess rocks. she's so fucking funny, that's me ...
Posted by Evan Thomas™ on Fri, 05 May 2006 12:08:00 PST

Optimism, by Jamie (4/28/2006)

Why does everybody have to be so cynical about life? Why do we have to explode about things like missing makeup and implode about things like love. Things that we cannot change. Feelings change, thing...
Posted by Evan Thomas™ on Fri, 28 Apr 2006 09:16:00 PST

SIGNS *updated: 5/7/2006

haha, i'm lovedaww sarah. she is super cute. i luff her.   ...
Posted by Evan Thomas™ on Wed, 29 Mar 2006 03:31:00 PST

i did a survey (3/27/2006)

Name: evanBirthday: september 6, 1989Birthplace: somewhere in NJCurrent Location: New JerseyEye Color: BlueHair Color: Blondish Reddish Brownish.. Not sure anymore.Height: 5'9"Right Handed or Left Han...
Posted by Evan Thomas™ on Mon, 27 Mar 2006 02:57:00 PST

fill it outttt (3/17/2006)

fill out please 1. Who are you? 2. Are we friends? 3. When and how did we meet?4. How have I affected you?5. What do you think of me?6. What's the fondest memory you have of me?7. How long do you thin...
Posted by Evan Thomas™ on Sat, 18 Mar 2006 07:38:00 PST

suicide, just think about it. (3/17/2006)

suicide, think about it. Ask the 25 year old who just tried to Electricute himself. He lived. But now both of his arms are gone.   What about Jumping. Ask John. He use to be intelligent, with ...
Posted by Evan Thomas™ on Fri, 17 Mar 2006 07:18:00 PST