I don't really know what to say here, I don't think anybody ever does. So you can either be all clever and witty, which usually means you sound like a pompous ass, or you can be dull and give the usual stats. So I'll give you some unusual stats:
I cheat at solitaire.
My dream car is a White VW Rabbit with a license plate that says "follow" and Alice in Wonderland seat covers.
I'm in the middle of illustrating a comic book version of Macbeth.
I think a mortar and pestle is the best kitchen gadget ever invented.
I've been to Lebanon, Canada, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Brazil, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Jamaica, Greece, Cyprus, the Netherlands, Germany, Luxembourg, France, England, Scotland, the Czech Republic, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Monaco, and Belgium.
I pick my nose when no one's looking.
I talk to myself when I'm alone.
My life is very interesting in my head.
I have three gay boyfriends--one in Raleigh, one in Boston, and one in New York--I LOVE YOU ALL!!!
I dance like a madwoman--especially to "Black Betty."
I'm a Joss Whedon junkie.
I think that ice cream sprinkles should never be called "jimmies."
I think bi-racial babies are the most beautiful things in the world--SPREAD THE GENES APART, PEOPLE!!!
I am determined to marry Gary Oldman.
I have a salt tooth, not a sweet tooth.
Cheesy 80s songs make me nostalgic.
I think it's a sign of deep psychosis that Nicholas Cage's son is named Cal-el.
Playing card games, the flow has to go clockwise or else I get really annoyed.That's all I've got for now.
I am worth $1,981,650 on HumanForSale.com