I love the outdoors (camping and such), electronics, soccer, tennis, volleyball, and anything fun (I'll try anything at least once). I also love music.
People who aren't uptight. Those without a sense of humor need not waste your time talking to me. Oh and Dane Cook.
Music is my passion. I am really loving life in the Nashville area because there are so many talented people here. I love jamming with my friends even though I am often intimidated by thier talent. Shout out to Myrnn, Matt, Tyler, and all the others that jam with us. I listen to mostly anything but lately I've found that the newer music just sucks compared to the stuff I grew up on. A lot of stuff I listen to most people haven't ever heard of. I used to list a bunch of artist examples here, but it got very long and I hadn't even scratched the surface of my likes. So suffice it to say I listen to pretty much everything, and I really mean that, not like some people who just like to throw that phrase around because they're lazy. I love to sing. I play a couple of instruments but most of all the sax. Don't ask for a demonstration though. The next things on my list to learn are guitar and piano.
Movies are one of my favorite pass times. I could never list even close to all my favorite movies.
I don't watch TV, as a matter of fact, i'm kind of against it. It rots your brain. But I will watch the crap out of some TV shows on DVD. Chappelle's Show is awesome. Smallville and Stargate SG1 are also great. Only the best. Oh and ATHF (Aqua Teen). P.S. Lost Baby.
I love to read. I especially love Stephen King. As an English Major I read a lot and I'm getting to know some great books and authors. I am by no means an expert yet, but I am learning.
Patriarch Blair, Stephen King, and Ernest Hemingway. Most of all would be my mother. She has triumphed over so many things in her life and made it look easy. If I could face my trials half as well as her I'd be doing great. I also look up to her intelect.