I really love my photography...feel free to check it out at www.calhodges.com The Glamour/Boudior are some of my favorites to shoot, images of women just seem to be more special and exciting to create. If you are interested....please let me know.....cal@calhodges.com....I need a few more people that would like to help me make the website really special...ask about details, if you are interested. I hope you take a few minutes to watch this slide show...it is some of my glamour and wedding photography...more at www.calhodges.com
I am really open to meeting a lot of people....there are people out there who just catch my eye, I see something different and special in them and want to know more. And I am very prone to telling them. I can't explain why....I just see people differently and want to know more and usually want to photograph them. Also I think that there are a number of people that stop by here...and never say a word.....please take a moment to let me know you were here, I am curious and interested. I am also looking for friends who share my interest in glamour and fantasy photography. It is a kind of wide open world for me....and it goes from innocent to sensual and all points in between.....where it goes just depends on my friends and what they want.....there is a wise old saying...."never go nowhere you are not invited"....I like to live life that way. You have to ask me ...that way I have not intruded into your world....but I don't mind the ask, and actually look forward to it. Showing off is kinda fun, almost as much fun as getting the pictures taken.
Cal --
A perma-orgasm
'How will you be defined in the sexual dictionary?' at QuizUniverse.comI keep hearing that people "warm up" to me easily.....I really think that it is because I care about what others have to say.
Your Seduction Style: Sweet Talker
Your seduction technique can be summed up with "charm"
You know that if you have the chance to talk to someone...
Well, you won't be talking for long! ;-)
You're great at telling potential lovers what they want to hear.
Partially, because you're a great reflective listener and good at complementing.
The other part of your formula? Focusing your conversation completely on the other person.
Your "sweet talking" ways have taken you far in romance - and in life.
You can finess your way through any difficult situation, with a smile on your face.
Speeding tickets, job interviews... bring it on! You truly live a *charmed life*
What Kind of Seducer Are You?