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Often I look in the mirror and wonder who I am and what I've yet to become. My personality isn't static, but fluid, always in constant motion. It seems that the mask I wear changes from week to week, day to day, moment to moment. Summing up who I've become in 30+ years, let alone who I hope to become is a daunting task. One not fit for the face of a MySpace page. Given this, I've found that I'm many things to many people; a father, a son, a friend, a lover, and to many, just a simple acquaintance.
If you know me, you know my son is everything to me. There have been times when he was the only thing that kept me going. Being a father has taught me things about myself that I didn’t know existed. I've been fortunate to meet a woman that shines. She's the essence of what's right with this world. I hold her close to my heart.
I love these quotes, they ring very true...
“In my experience those who do not like you fall into two categories: thestupid and the envious. The stupid will love you in five years, the envious,never.â€
      &n bsp    - Johnny Depp as the Earlof Rochester: The Libertine
“There are no stupid questions, just stupid peopleâ€
      &n bsp    - Mr Garrison: SouthPark
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