<3 P!NK <3?DaT 0fF!C!aL 5h0rT!3? profile picture

&lt;3 P!NK &lt;3?DaT 0fF!C!aL 5h0rT!3?

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

[Glitterfy.com - *Glitter Maker*]NaMe: P!NK CuRReNt LoCaTiOn: ThA RoK NuMbErZ uNdEr mY bElT: 18 CuRReNt StATuZ:SInGlE ...PrOlLy FuKiN uR MaN ...LOL LiKeZ: FAsT CaRZ LiViN In ThA FaSt LaNe, CHyLLiN WiT Ma tHUgZ& ThUgETTeZ,& Of CoURsE PaRtYiN DiSlIkEz: LyErZ, uGlY pPlZ,ByTcHeZ ThAt ThiNk tHeY CaN tOp mE, bOrIn PPLWeLL If U WaNt 2 kNo nEtHiN eLsE hIt Me uP....URMANZHONEYDIP69...ON AIM

My Interests

What's your favorite....
Beverage (non-alc) ? Dr.PePpEr
Color ? PiNk
Food ? HaTiAn FOOd
Item of clothing ? ThOnG
Meal of the day ? WeNeVeR i HaVe TiMe 2 EaT
Feature on yourself ? mY cHeSt...Nd BuTT
Quality in a guy/girl ? iF He CaN kIsS
Phrase ? I aInT bEaT !!!
Song ? IIrEpLaCiBlE
Musical Artist/Band ? DoNt HaV 1
Sport ? DoNt HaV 1
Movie ? DoNt HaV 1
TV Show ? DoNt HaV 1
Radio Station ? 105.1/97.1/97.9
Type of Chocolate ? MiLk
Eye Color ? HaZeL
Do you/Have you ever....
Have any pets ? yuppp..
Have any piercings ? YeS
Have any tatoos ? nO
Cheat on a boyfriend/girlfriend YeS
Gone skinny dipping ? YeZ
Been to Europe ? YeS
Been to an island ? YeS
Had stitches ? YEs
Broken any bones ? YeS SeVeRaL
Been stabbed/shot ? YeZ
Slept until after 12:00 ? oF cOuRSE
Stayed up all night ? yes
Hooked up with 2 people in one weekend ? LoLZz
Turned down a dare ? nOt RlLy
Which friend....
Is the funniest ? EiLeeN
Is the prettiest ? aLL oF uS
Is the most handsom ? MaKeNzI
Is the loudest ? mE
Is the craziest ? mE...NoBoDy EvEr wAnT To Do WuT i WaNt 2 DO
Is the most shy ? nOnE
Is the most loving ? EiLeeN ...SHeZ ThA mOmMy iN tHA GrOuP
Is the most understanding ? NoNe Of Us....LoL
Is the most boring ? ????
Is the richest ? wE aLL.......BALLLLLLINNNNN !!!!!
Is the most athletic ? LoL ...StUpId ??
Is the most cocky ? mE
Is the most wordly/cultured ? noNe
Do you look up to the most ?
Do you tell everything to ? EiLeeN
Has the best clothes ? aLL oF Us
Has the best house ? ???
Would you ever....
Eat pizza with chocolate chips ? nO
Kiss someone of the same sex ? YeS
Cheat on someone you love ? yEs

