tired of mcguire and the bullshit it brings profile picture

tired of mcguire and the bullshit it brings

don't hate the millitary for doing thier job in the middle east hate the ones who sent them thereimg

About Me

Here is what Jeff Foxworthy has to say about Pennsylvanians...thought it was amusingIf your local Dairy Queen is closed from September Through May, you may Live in Pennsylvania.If someone in a Home Depot store offers you assistance and they don't work there, you may live in Pennsylvania.If you've worn shorts and a parka at the same time, You may live in Pennsylvania.If you've had a lengthy telephone conversation with Someone who dialed a wrong number, you may live in Pennsylvania.If "Vacation" means going anywhere south of Philadelphia for the Weekend, you may live in Pennsylvania.If you measure distance in hours, you may live in Pennsylvania.If you know several people who have hit a deer more Than once, you may Live in Pennsylvania.If you have switched from "heat" to "A/C" in the same Day and back Again, you may live in Pennsylvania.If you can drive 75 mph through 2 fee t of snow during a raging blizzard Without flinching, you may live in Pennsylvania.If you install security lights on your house and Garage, but leave both Unlocked, you may live in Pennsylvania.If you carry jumpers in your car and your wife knows How to use them, You may live in Pennsylvania.If you design your kid's Halloween costume to fit over a snowsuit, you May live in Pennsylvania.If the speed limit on the highway is 55 mph -- you're Going 80 and Everybody is passing you, you may live in Pennsylvania.If driving is better in the winter because the Potholes are filled with Snow, you may live in Pennsylvania.If you know all 4 seasons: almost winter, winter, Still winter and road Construction, you may live in Pennsylvania.If you have more miles on your snow blower than your Car, you may live In Pennsylvania.If you find 10 degrees "a little chilly", you may live In Pennsylvania.If you actually understand these jokes, you definitely live in PennsylvaniaIF YOUR CHILD'S SCHOOL DISTRICT GIVES THEM THE FIRST DAY OF HUNTING SEASON OFF FROM SCHOOL, You may live in Pennsylvania.i'm 21 years old currently a fire fighter for the usafFireFighters PrayerWhen I am called to duty,God Wherever Flames may rageGive me the strength to save some lifeWhatever Be its ageHelp me embrace a little childBefore it is too lateOr save an older person fromThe horror of that fateEnable me to be alert andHear the weakest shoutAnd quickly and efficientlyTo put the fire outI want to fill my calling andTo give the best in meTo guard my every neighborAnd protect their propertyAnd if according to your willI have to lose my lifePlease bless with your protecting handMy children and my wife. ST. FLORIAN PROTECT US

My Interests

soccer fire fighting ems and blowin shit up

I'd like to meet:

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funny clip from rescue me watch pleasethe assumption song watch its really funny


You think driving from Johnstown to Ebensburg is a long trip."Hey Yuz Guyz" is a greeting.You take time off of work/school for the entire 3 days of doe season.You know the location of the following towns, know someone from them, and have spent time there: Altoona, Clearfield, Penns Valley, Port Matilda, Centre Hall, and TyroneYou've taken deliberate field trips to Penn's Cave and Horse Shoe Curve.You know what to do when your Mother tells you to "Red up your room."You feel the only good bands out there are Rude Dawg, Velvetta, Wrench and HotWax.You know the time and location of every Wing Night in a 10 mile radius.You complain about people who are on the news crying about their wet basements after a hard rain and reply with a comment like, "That's not a flood, Johnstown in '77 was a flood."There are pictures of you as a small child with the deer your dad or grandfather killed.You think people from Philly or Pittsburgh talk funny.You own an original Terrible Towel.You don't understand what all the hype is about for Rolling Rock. You've been drinking it for years.You consider an exotic vacation a trip to the Jersey Shore.Your version of the English language contains no form of the verb to be. For example, "the car needs washed" instead of "the car needs to be washed".You're 45 years old, have never been outside of Blair County, and don't see the need to leave.You don't understand why all sports commentators don't sound more like Myran Cope.Words like: hoagie; chipped ham; and pop actually mean something to you.You can use the phrase "Firehall Wedding" and not even bat an eye.You think Altoona is a "big city"You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends from central Pennsylvania.


comedy and blood and guts movies

MySpace Graphics - MySPACE MONEY


The ABC's of being and EMTABC - Ambulate Before CarryABC - Airway Billing CollectionsAMF-YOYO - Adios Mother F-----, You're On Your OwnA.F.U. - All F*@#%! UpAHF - Acute Hissy FitAQR - Ain't Quite RightART - Assuming Room TemperatureBMW - Bitch Moan & WhineBOHICA - Bend Over Here It Comes AgainCATS - Cut All to Sh*tCC - Cancel ChristmasCCFCCP - Coo Coo For Cocoa PuffsCTD - Circling the DrainDFO - Done Fell OutDILLIGAF - Do I Look Like I Give a F#%$ ?DND - Damn Near DeadDOB - Dead on BedDRT - Dead Right ThereDPS - Dumb Parent SyndromeNPS - New Parent SyndromeDWPA - Dying With Paramedic AssistanceEMT - Empty Minded TrollEMT - Every Menial TaskEMT - Eggcrate Mattress TechnicianEMT - Extraordinary Masochistic TendenciesEMT - Emergency Medical TaxiEMT - Extra Man on TruckEMS - Extra Marital SexEMS - Earn Money SleepingFDSTW - Found Dead Stayed That WayFDGB - Fall Down Go BoomFTD - Fixin To DieFUBAR - Fucked Up Beyond All RecognitionGOMER - Get out of my E.R.GMC - Groan Moan & Complain.GRAHOB - Grim Reaper At Head Of BedHIBGIA - Had It Before, Got It AgainKISS - Keep It Simple StupidLOLNAD - Little Old Lady No Acute DistressLOLFDGB - Little Old Lady Fall Down Go BoomLDF - Lying Down FitMARWB - Met At Road With BagMUH - Messed Up HeartNLPR - No Longer Playing RecordsPUHA - Pick Up and Haul AssPBAB - Pine Box At BedsidePBS - Pretty Bad ShapePCL - Pre Code LookingPEFYC - Pre Extricated For Your Convenience (through the windshield)PSO - Passed Smooth OutPPA - Practicing Proffessional AlcoholicTBC - Total Body CrunchTFTS - Too Fat To SurviveTLC - Tube, Lavage & CharcoalTMB - Too Many BirthdaysSIO - Sleeping It OffTSL - To Stupid to LiveWADAO - Weak And Dizzy All OverWUD - Woke Up Dead


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read this if you like sex

Subject THE LAW IS THE LAW So if the US government determines that it is against the law for the words "under God" to be on our money, then, so be it. And if that same government decides that the "Ten...
Posted by tired of mcguire and the bullshit it brings on Thu, 02 Nov 2006 10:09:00 PST