im a normal lad, like me m8's and like gettin pissed with em nd doin shit with em..... nd overall jst a laf...
Name: Ben
Birthdate: 22/08/1990
Current Location: Nuneaton
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 6ft 1"
Weight: 11 st 11 or summin.... nrly 12 put it tht way(no im not FAT)
Piercings: nope
Tatoos: not yet
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: no
Overused Phraze: "er.... ye"
Food: McDonallds
Candy: Harribo
Number: 22/14
Color: blue
Animal: dog
Drink: Cherry Coke
Alcohol Drink: Lager
Bagel: ...
Letter: A
Body Part on Opposite sex: hhhhhhhmmmmmm..... ALL the Body parts... !!!
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: coke
McDonalds or BurgerKing: McDonalds
Strawberry or Watermelon: Watermelon
Hot tea or Ice tea: Hot tea
Chocolate or Vanilla Chocolate
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: Neither
Kiss or Hug: kiss
Dog or Cat: dog
Summer or Winter: summer
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: funny
Love or Money: both..
Most Missed Memory: dont actuall know.
Best phyiscal feature: not sure to be honest
First Thought Waking Up: Shit....
Goal for this year: havent really got 1 come to think of it
Best Friends: Bunge and Paul
Weakness: ermmmmmmm... dont kno..
Fears: gays
Longest relationship: not to sure
Ever Drank: ye
Ever Smoked: ye(dont tho)
Pot: ye (dnt smoke it tho. but have tried it)
Ever been Drunk: yep
Ever been beaten up: no nt rely
Ever beaten someone up: ye
Ever Shoplifted: ye
Ever Skinny Dipped: no not yet
Ever Kissed Opposite sex: ye
Been Dumped Lately: no
Favorite Eye Color: blue/green.
Favorite Hair Color: blonde/brunette
Short or Long: long
Height: not taller than me lol... a little bit smaller than me.
Style: not..... gothic or greebish lol soz.... peeps just dnt rely like the styles
Looks or Personality: both
Hot or Cute bit of both
Drugs and Alcohol: alcohol
Muscular or Really Skinny: not TOO skinny but nt fat lol(Average)
Number of Regrets in the Past: dnt actually kno
What country do you want to Visit: australia
How do you want to Die: nt sure
Been to the Mall Lately: no
Do you like Thunderstorms: well i ent scared of them if thts wt ya mean
Get along with your Parents: spose so
Health Freak: no
Do you think your Attractive: dunno never rely thought bout it.. but .... ive seen worse!!
Believe in Yourself:
Want to go to College:
Do you Smoke: no
Do you Drink: yes but nt an alcoholic
Shower Daily: ye
Been in Love: ye
Do you Sing: no
Want to get Married:
Do you want Children: someday
Have your future kids names planned out: no
Age you wanna lose your Virginity: already have...soz/ lol
Hate anyone: ye
All about yourself...the survey.
All about yourself...
First name?:: Ben
Middle name?:: Dont have one.
Like your name?:: duno rely
Named after anyone?:: ye.
Any nicknames?:: not as such lol
Age?:: 17
Birthdate?:: 22/08/1990
Time you were born?:: dunno
Current location?:: Nuneaton
Height?:: 6ft 1"or2"
Like your height?:: ye.. tis gr8
Eye color?:: blue
Contacts/glasses?:: i need em but never wear em i hate them.
Hair color?:: brown
Natural hair color?:: brown
Dye your hair often?:: no never
Righty or lefty?:: righty lol
Your favorite...
Type of music?:: R'n'B, SOME rap.SOME. D'n'B, Hip Hop, Dance.... any rely...
Band or singer?:: singer
TV show?:: duno lol...
Movie?:: not sure really erm... i like Police academy, rocky,
TV channel?:: hmmm anyone thats got sumin decent on.. usuall channel 4.. Shameles.. ye..
Radio station?:: i prefer radio 1 but its usually Heart Fm or Mercia i have to listen too lol (Work)
Place to be?:: On Holiday in the SUN
Thing to do?:: erm....... work out a bit... ride me motorbike. eat. sleep lol
Food?:: McDonalds... GOTA be lol
Non alcoholic drink?:: probs have to be cherry coke or Dr pepper
Alcoholic drink?:: Lager
Animal?:: Dog
Holiday?:: ANY SUNNY holiday will do me.
Season?:: Summer
Sport?:: Boxin
Place to shop?:: anywer thats decent
Clothing brand?:: erm....... anything decent (again) lol
Scent?:: any decent one...(AGAIN) but.. Kouros or Armani...
Restaurant?:: The Harvester
Fruit?:: apple/peach
Vegetable?:: none rely lol
Fast food restaurant?:: McDonalds
Pizza topping?:: Donner meat
Ice cream flavor?:: Vanilla
Magazine?:: FHM, Fast Car, Redline, Max Power.....
City?:: duno rely ent got a favourite city lol
Color?:: metallic blue
Number?:: 3/14
This or that...
Chocolate or vanilla?:: Vanilla
Pepsi or coke?:: Coke
Hot or cold?:: Hot
Black or white?:: White
Dog or cat?:: Dog
French toast or pancakes?:: Niether
French fries or onion rings?:: French Fries
Hamburger or hot dog?:: BOTH
Pepperoni or sausage?:: Sausage
Britney or Christina?:: Britney
McDonalds or Burger King?:: McDonalds.. GOTA be lol
50 Cent or Eminem?:: 50 Cent
Canada or Mexico?:: canada
Hug or kiss?:: Kiss
Movies or TV?:: Movies
Truth or dare?:: Dare
Do you...
Shower daily?:: ye
Sing in the shower?:: not very often
Like to sing?:: ye tis gr8 sumtimes.. at work all the time rely lol everbody does.
Like to dance?:: nt rely
Smoke?:: no
Drink?:: ye but nt alcoholic
Cuss?:: ??
Talk to yourself?:: no
Believe in yourself?:: duno rely.. erm. yes AND no
Play an instrument?:: nope.
Go to school?:: no more
Go to college?:: yes
Have a job?:: yes
Like your job?:: yes
Want to get married?:: someday
Want to have kids?:: someday
Get along with your parents?:: ye spose so
Get along with your siblings?:: nt rely lol
Drive?:: =yes
Do you think you're trustworthy?:: ye i can be
Think your funny?:: sometimes...
Ever toilet papered someones house?:: ye
Gone garbage can tipping?:: no
What are your parents names?:: Christine and Julian
Siblings names?:: Lauren...
Do you wash your hands frequently?:: ye wen i need to.. (not just for the fun of it)
How many time a day do you brush your teeth?:: twice if i can lol(i sometimes fall asleep, bad really but... OOOOOOOOPPPS)haha lol
Collect anything?:: not rely..
Ever been in love?:: ye i have
In love right now?:: nope
What color pants are you wearing right now?:: Black Boxers with Red top.....
How does your hair look?:: Gelled
Ever had your heartbroken?:: cud say that
Ever broken the law?:: ye
Been arrested?:: not as such
Been out of the country?:: ye
Can you stick your fist in your mouth?:: not quite
When was the last time you got drunk?:: at the weekend
Do you do drugs?:: nope (only alcohol lol)
When was the last time you were high on anything?:: A while back now actually
Do you prefer the lights on or off?:: depends what im doin n hu im with.. if u get me:P lol haha
Would you ever get plastic surgery?:: erm.. nah dnt fink so
Do you prefer boxers or briefs?:: Boxers
Do you like to laugh?:: ye
Ever had a bloody nose?:: ye
Have you ever caught a fish?:: Yerrrrrrrr lol
What was the last thing you ate?:: erm... CNT actually remember lol soz
What time do you go to bed?:: Wenever i feel i need to lol
What's your favorite color?:: Metallic Blue
Do you like to give or recieve?:: Both
Are you obsessed with anything/anyone?:: no not rely.
Do you live alone?:: no
Do you own a blender?:: no
Do you like the snow?:: s'ok i spose
Ever been up a mountain?:: ye
Ever been rootin'?:: ?????????
Do you like surprises?:: ok i spose lol haha
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