Annie profile picture


About Me

Well, I like to go on vacations, going to the gym, going to sporting events, taking tennis lessons, grabbing cocktails with friends, and spending my summer in the sun at the pool. Really, I just like to do anything that involves my friends or my family! I do love Bengals season and XU basketball... we have season tickets to both. I think that's all for now...

My Interests

I just like to spend time with people I care about... it can be at a bar, at a party, at a game, eating dinner, or watching a movie...


People often laugh when they look at my Ipod, there is everything from Snoop to Bon Jovi to Toby Keith to James Taylor and of course some Justin Timberlake :-)


Shawshank Redemption and Crash are at the top of my list. Then there are the best chick flicks ever, Pretty Woman and Dirty Dancing. And I am always in the mood for Will Farrell or Vince Vaughn...


I am a reality TV junkie... and Amazing Race and Project Runway are the best! I also love: The Office, Entourage, and Grey's Anatomy, and Law and Order SVU.


I am not a big book reader... You can usually catch me with a People Magazine or US Weekly in my hands.