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Priorities . .
Hundreds of years from now, it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house i lived in, or the kind of car i drove . . but the world may be different because i did something so baffingly crazy that my ruins become a tourist attraction.
Alot of adjectives may describe me but there's not enough words to define me.
• im usually reasonable in unreasonable situations.
• i have the biggest heart - close your mouth and stop hyperventilating . . it's true.
• i believe in God so therefore i repent every six seconds due to my reckless ways.
• my friends and i ♥ to pAArty.
• i ♥ going to Starbucks at odd times in the morning.
• im careless about everything you probably care about.
• im a bit unstable in my most stable moments.
• i see life as black and white . . there is no in between with me.
• i ♥ diversity and learning about other cultures intrigues me everytime.
• sometimes im most social in my anti-social moments.
• surfer, skateboard & emo guys turn me completely on.
• im horrified of heights.
• i'm in ♥ with my friends but i'm in ♥ with me more.
• when i love, i love hard.
• simmer down, me loving rarely happens.
• dreams are nothing but dreams, and for those that dream, AWAKE.
• goals + thought out plans are a guaranteed success.
• the typical things women adore, doesnt satisfy me.
• i dont follow your constitution of rules.
• i dont give out second chances so if that's what you're accustomed to then hit the "back" button immediately.
• being spontaneous is required.
• my family is cooler than yours - GUARANTEED.
• life throws out foul balls but yet i hit homeruns everytime.
• house parties are always number one on my list.
• i refuse to have bad days regardless of the hell that comes my way - somehow happiness seems to be the conclusion.
• people that talk too much annoy me.
• people that attempt to be someone they're not annoy me.
• honestly, most humans annoy me.
• i believe in aliens because there has to be something better than us.
• per the statement above, i must say i don't practice scientology.
• you now know 2% of my life . .
Friendssssss ♥!
You're Welcome.
Most messages don't get a response . .
so dont get your feelings hurt . .
like him bitches -- haha.