Daniel grew up in Ljusdal, Hälsingland, Sweden as the third of three brothers in his family. Since his father was a troubadour and choirsinger there was a lot of music in his childhood.When he was 12, Daniel and some kids from the block formed the band "Snivelling brats" where he was elected as a drummer since all the other instruments were taken. He and the Brats started almost right away writing songs. After a few years with the Brats Daniel and Olov, the guitarplayer, broke up with the others and formed the band "soil". Daniel and Olov developed a close friendship and wrote many songs together under the red kitchen lamp in Olov's house. Soil came to be very appreciated in the surroundings of Ljusdal. Soil lasted for about 3 years.After spending years behind the drums Daniel wanted to try something else and by the age of 17 he formed "Ed" with some new friends he had met at high school. In "Ed" he tried out singing and guitarplaying. "Ed" lasted for about a year and two of their songs was recorded for two albums with other artists.Daniel was now 19 and school was over when Daniel's older brother wanted him to come to Stockholm and join their band as a guitarplayer. So he went and played with "Bumblebees" for about 2 years.But during those years in Stockholm Daniel came to be quite confused and he slowly sank into a depression from having very little money, no place to stay, and lack of true love amongst other things. He felt he had to break up from everything, and just needed to get away. So he moved back to Ljusdal with his father cause unfortanetly his mum and dad broke up during this mess to.After months of just "lying in bed and playing videogames" as he quotes it, "though I wrote a lot of good songs to, the piano was my best friend" he slowly began to put himself together and he started spending a lot of time with his friend Wegs. They started planning a trip together and went to Norway for working in the crabindustry for a few months. Then they backpacked around the world.During his travels Daniel came to realise that music is really what he wants to in his life for certain so he applied for schools and spend 2 years in Uppsala and Stockholm studying with a dream of becoming a musicproducer.
When those years were over he and a friend from Ljusdal, Jon Persson, started a studio together and Daniel wrote music to TVshows, commercials and DVDgames amongst other things.But he got fed up with always having to look for jobs and he rather sat at home making his own music. So in the end he didn't have any money and could not pay the rent for his apartment so once again he was forced to move back to Ljusdal, now at his mothers place. "It felt like a real defeat", Daniel says "Not that I don't like Ljusdal I still love the place, but the fact that I didn't have any money and had to live with my mother at the age of 25. I always seem to have problems with money"He took a job as a musicteacher for schoolkids for one semester and then he went to Gran canaria for work. A friend of his asked if he could be the sound and light technician for a big Dinnershow there. Daniel took the job since he didn't want to be a teacher anymore and had no better options.After one year in Gran canaria he was offered a job in Stockholm as a Soundtechnician and that's where we are now. Daniel has now bought himself a drumkit a bass and owns 3 guitars since earlier and has decided that he will record a CD with songs that he has written during the last years of confusion, love, sadness, hopes and dreams...
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