Music! definatley would'nt be able to live without it! would be like suicide in action 24/7 i have so many faves of music its abit difficult to name them all so you can just ask if ya want to know more =P
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as i said above toooooooo many! i love all really haha its ace though because i seem to like so much means i can love even more forms of music and meet more people and friends through it and become more intresting myself as a person
hmmmmm toughy mainly forest gump green mile my dog skip the little princess edward scissor hands and quite a few by tim burton actually and a few more films which i cant be bothered to put down
family guy american dad futurama simpsons are ok my family csi
anything readable really something to keep me intrested but i do love the book "A child called it" by Dave Pelzer amazin
people who save lives everyday everywhere