HELL (Anglo-Saxon): The term hell is cognate to "hole" (cavern) and "hollow". It is a substantive formed from the Anglo-Saxon helan or behelian, "to hide". This verb has the same primitive as the Latin occulere and celare and the Greek kalyptein. Thus by derivation hell denotes a dark and hidden place. In theological usage is the place of eternal punishment after death.-Infernus: (in Latin), (inferum, inferi), is derived from the root in; hence it designates hell as a place within and below the earth.... and fernus, "fire".- Hades: (in Greek), formed from the root fid, to see, and a privative, denotes an invisible, hidden, and dark place; thus it is similar to the term hell... it corresponds to the term Sheol in Hebrew. In the Septuagint, Hades is found 71 times. It is the Greek equivalent for Sheol 64 times... often it sounds like "limbo" or "purgatory", from where you will come out.
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