melly profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Let's see about me, what can i say?!!!!well overweight , quite plain looking!!! happy, veggie, work with kids, got own kids!! Pregnant!!! Bit daft at times , paranoid, sensitive, loving, friendly, generous, think you get the picture!!!! oh and i can be funny sometimes!!!!Forgot to add mad about fairies and Audrey Hepburn, you'll notice the common theme!!!!!!Came on here to get to know my furu/a-ha friends better, not looking for fellas or anything sleazy!!!!!!!!!!Very happily married and not into erotic stuff!!!!!!

My Interests

My family, friends, animal and human rights, environmental issue, music (and lots of it!!!), reading,fairies, art, movies, cross stitch, cooking, walking, camping, shopping, girlie stuff!!! gardening when it's not cold!!!, swimming,

I'd like to meet:

A-ha!!!! Dali Lama Ewan Mcgregor Anyone who knew Audrey Hepburn!!! Lord Bath!! Richard E Grant Richard Briers Peter O'Toole Anyone who wants to meet me!!


A-ha, Magne F, Coldplay, REM, Nirvana, Beatles, The Doors, Travis, Classical, Loads actually!!!!!


oh my word too many to mention but basically anything from Star Wars to Pride and prejudice, no horror or Vinn Diesel type stuff tho!!!!And of course anything with the dear Audrey in!!!!!!


ER, Lost, Blackadder, Little Britain , QI and kids tv!!!!!!


The classics, Shakespeare, Kids stuff, Byron, Tennyson. Again lots of stuff!!!!


Audrey Hepburn, William Shakespeare, Thomas Hardy, My Family

My Blog

My secret wishes!!!

Well there not so secret really 'cos i rant and rave enough about some of these things already......BUT you know when stuff really gets on your nerves and you end up saying "Argggghhhh i just wish.......
Posted by melly on Wed, 19 Apr 2006 09:08:00 PST

my status!!!

ok the myspace machine got this horribly wrong i'm not single at all but very happily married to Daren and we have two gorgeous children and number three baking in the oven as we speak!!!!!  Not ...
Posted by melly on Wed, 12 Apr 2006 01:28:00 PST