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About Me

From The notes and minds of the Fathers of the Blues, Massimo "Big Harp" (It's me...) tries to convey that same feeling of passion, the "BLUES".
Breaking off fixed outlines, rigid rules, the show can have a twist at any time: spontaneity and improvisation are the key elements of his soul.

Armonicista cantante, nato nel '72 a Torino con l'armonica in tasca, da sempre appassionato al piccolo strumento dalle grandi potenzialità è dotato di un' infinita energia sul palco. Scelta la musica 'Blues' come strumento per comunicare al pubblico, si esibisce cercando di esprimere e suscitare emozioni.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Hey frineds!!! I like know new musicians, Harmonica Players, new places to see, people that got my same way to live, for and with the music. I love the Blues, the best expression way where I feel so good.

Let's watch the Blues Band to play on the Magic Carpet (it's mine from home ...)

My Blog

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