I Love to be with my friends. Friends are the most important thing a guy can have and I'm starting to live by this. I love to watch and play sports. Baseball is my favorite... I'm a GIANTS fan, So LA fans F-OFF
Atreyu, Chiodos, Evergreen Terrace, Haste The Day, Saosin, I Killed The Prom Queen, The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, The Higher, The Bleeding Alarm, Escape the Fate, Just Surrender, The Faint, Mozart Season, With Broken Wings, Dead Poetic, From Autumn to Ashes, Dashboard Confessional, Yesterdays Rising, Underoath, Bloc Party, Across Five Aprils, Avenged Sevenfold, Anatomy of a Ghost, As I Lay Dying, Tokyo Rose, Kite Flying Society, Mikoto, Greely Estates, Sherwood, Mae, Takota, Rise Against, Thrice, The Postal Service, Blood Hound Gang, Slayer, Modest Mouse, AFI, No Use For A Name, Silverstein, Saves The Day, Senses Fail, A Static Luliby, Bright Eyes, Death Cab, HIM, CKY, Finch, A Perfect Murder, Pennywise, Rise Against, Thrice, The Postal Service, Blood Hound Gang, Slayer, Modest Mouse, AFI, No Use For A Name, Silverstein, Saves The Day, Senses Fail, A Static Luliby, Deftones, Good Riddance,
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