Check out my personal music mag... because it's cool.
I love... my husband who has an annoyingly quick wit, entertaining and being entertained by my two beautiful boys, my overweight pingpong-fetching kid-loving black cat, my anxious extremely loyal long-haired chihuahua, my friends who would have my back until we are old ladies in a nursing home somewhere, MUSIC, 80's movies, being loud, laughing at myself, watching my babies sleep or eat or laugh or do nothing at all, taking photographs, scrapbooking, playing poker, unsweet ice tea, vietnamese food, trivia, Port Aransas sunsets, Big Bend sunrises, NPR, KTCU 88.7, when someone is brave enough to oppose my opinion when I am being overly assertive, my uncle Roberts taste in music, the blues, the color yellow, recycling, making things (ie: jewelry, Christmas bows, scrapbooks, 'artsy' type things), people who comment on my blogs, free association (haha) and being happy as much of the time as possible!!!If you can't tell I talk a LOT.
Click below to visit my etsy shop...w/ jewelry and accessories.
Buy Handmade
If you want to read some of my seriously old blogs dust off one of these gems... or just subscribe! :)
Black Widow Count
First Day
State Park Slideshows
BW 2 and 3
Riley's 1st
O Christmas Tree
Bathroom @ the WreckRoom
Yearbooks- I hope you had something good to say
Scaredy Cats @ LaGrave Field
Wrong Decisions
Special Little House Guests
Ode to Video Games
RoadRunner and Moneyshot
Like a Rolling Stone
Hand Twin