I like to go out to clubs every now and then. Go to the gym, play ball and just love to be around positive people. Negative to. I'm from the hood.
Mumia-Abu Jamal. I really would like to meet Mumia because he represents strength to me. He has been on death row for over twenty years now, and has refused to stop fighting and educating the masses about the struggle. He has taught us the importance of standing up against the oppressors for legeitimate issues. I identify with the courage Allaah has given him. Even from hell on earth(death row) he still refuses to compromise his thoughts and writings which expose the real criminals of our society.
Nas, Jay, Ghost, Wu, and Buju are some of my favorite artist.
My favorite movies are the Godfather, Training Day, Goodfellas, Gotti, Casino, and JFK by Oliver Stone.
I love to watch the History, Discovery, and Espn channel. I also like to watch the Sopranos and the Wire.
Some of my favorite heroes are Dr. Henry P. Newton, Al Hajj Malik El Shabazz, Khalid Mahammoud, Geronomo Pratt, Duruba bin Wahad, Nat Turner, John Brown, Harriet Tubman, and all the other freedom fighters who offered there life in exchange for the better of there people. They did not compromise their integrity by seeing something that was wrong and turn a blind eye to it by doing nothing. They risk there lives for the better of the masses.