Science/Technology, Literature, Philosophy, World Domination, Anime, Sleeping, Making Money, Reading, Writing, Music, Drawing, Videogames, Meeting the people of the world
I want to know the whole world. Just give me a chance...
Orchestra (film scores, basically) though I'll give anything you recommend a try...except Rap.
Terminator, Jurassic Park, James Bond, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, The Matrix, The GodFather, Scarface, Goodfellas.
YouTube. I don't watch too much regular TV like I used to. There's never anything good on.
Michael Crichton, J.K. Rowling, H.G. Wells, S.D. Perry, Eric Nylund, William C. Dietz, EGM, the ones I'm going to write.
I look up to no one.