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Lil back history I'm seriously into art from my Oma, Boris Vallejo, Dr. Seus, Julia..
I do believe that everything happens for a reason. Love at first sight, good friends, there's hope for the future, and gramma's cookies rule-and Brandi's-omg they rock!
There's always time to check the stars out. Especially when you are in the middle of freaking nowhere and you look up to see the strongest shining and the star dust around them. It's so beautiful. It looks like ancient lace over a goddesses eyes.

MySpace Layouts

I don't sacrifice animals, seeing on how i'm not even permitted to by ways of my religion or thought.
I do not have a malicious bone in my body and friends come before my relationships most of the time. I do believe in LOVE .....oooo the evil L word. Damn me for saying it. I'm an open minded person. What more do you need than someone who's going to be there?
Poetry has a large part of my life.4 | | | So is history! | | | 3 I have a large piece of history, which falls under my Native American section as well. A lot forget who they are, I however, like to know all about myself in every aspect. Too much time on my hands? Probably, but that's ok. There's nothing wrong with wanting to know anything about ones past, present and future. So here in this section (that will be soon a scroll box) I will politely elaborate on my historical past.
The Celts or descendants of the Celts crossed over the northeastern land bridge (via Greenland) from Europe 7,900 years ago. They were the first inhabitants of North America. Through thousands of years they could be found from the eastern coast (north to south), to the mid west and south west regions. From the Celts came the Iroquois and Mohawk indians. Three hundred years after the Celts arrived, the Mound People migrated to North America from South America (via the Panama Peninsula, Mexico), to the south west and mid west regions, southern regions and along the east coast as far as North Carolina. From the Mound People came the Mogollon and Anasazi indians. Eventually, the Celts and the Mound People intermixed and from them, the Seminole indians came into existence. From the Mogollon's came the Apache indians. From the Mogollon's and the Anasazi's came the Hopi, Lenape and Pueblo indians.
The Cherokee is the region within Florida that my father was born. So he's Chreokee(yeah, he's got the temper to proove it!...and i've been working on mine over the few years recently so that i pretty much have smothered mine with a fog of another face and patience overpowering it) and in the New York upstate region, is where I was no born, though lived for 20 years. I was born in Mass. The Iroquois, if you please, where I grew up. The section that is in my blood happens to be the Mohegan.
Posted on Friday, November 04 @ 23:59:23 PST Gladys Tantaquidgeon, the Mohegan Indian Tribe's venerable medicine woman and a nationally known expert on ancient Indian practices, died Tuesday morning. She was 106.
The tribe's oldest living member, Tantaquidgeon died peacefully at the Uncasville home where she had lived all her life, said her grandniece, Melissa Tantaquidgeon Zobel. Born in 1899, Tantaquidgeon was one of seven children of John and Harriet Fielding Tantaquidgeon, both Mohegans. She was a 10th generation descendant of Uncas, the famed Mohegan chief. During her lifetime, she watched her tribe grow from a handful of Mohegan families in Uncasville who struggled to keep their tribal heritage alive to a federally recognized tribe that owns and operates one of the most successful casinos in the world. Tantaquidgeon is given much credit for the Mohegans receiving federal recognition. For years, she collected a large number of documents, including tribal correspondence, birth, death and marriage records, many of which she stored under her bed. That information helped to document the continuity of the tribe, which managed to survive even after its reservation was disbanded. "A lot of the generations before us knew if they hung on long enough, a lot of things would turn around one day," Zobel said. "Her dream was that the culture would be preserved for the Mohegan Tribe. The fact that the tribe survived was all she ever really cared about." A life-size statue of Tantaquidgeon that greets visitors entering the Mohegan Sun casino was draped in black on Tuesday. There is a wall mural depicting a timeline of her life nearby. Zobel said the approximately 1,700-member tribe is trying to see her great aunt's death as something to celebrate. "We truly feel her contribution and longevity require us to consider that her life isn't simply one to be mourned," she said. "Her life is really something to celebrate at this time." Tantaquidgeon wrote several books on Indian medicine practices and folk lore. Her best-known work, "A Study of Delaware Indian Medicine Practices and Folk Beliefs," was published in 1942 and later reprinted in 1972 and 1995 as "Folk Medicine of the Delaware and Related Algonkian Indians." She became versed in the ways of the tribe's spirituality and use of herbs from her grandmothers. Tantaquidgeon went on to study anthropology at the University of Pennsylvania. Tantaquidgeon earned several awards, including honorary doctorates from Yale and the University of Connecticut. Her work became known nationwide and she was called on by many western tribes to assist in the restoration of their ancient practices. In 1934, she served as a community worker on the Yankton Sioux reservation in South Dakota and also worked to promote Indian art for the Federal Indian Arts and Crafts Board in the Dakotas, Montana and Wyoming. In 1940, she served as the librarian at the state women's prison in Niantic, where she felt her work with families on reservations sensitized her to the needs of women in difficult situations. In 1931, she founded the Tantaquidgeon Indian Museum in Uncasville, along with her late brother Harold, the tribe's former chief. Tribal officials say it's one of the oldest Indian-owned and -operated museums in the country and emphasizes the siblings' philosophy that "you can't hate someone that you know a lot about." Tantaquidgeon, who never married, continued to work full-time at the museum until 1998. Her passing was noted Tuesday by Connecticut Gov. M. Jodi Rell, who said Tantaquidgeon had left "an extraordinary legacy," and by a top leader of the neighboring Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation. Kenneth M. Reels, the Pequots' vice chairman, said his tribe was deeply saddened by Tantaquidgeon's death. He referred to her as both a regional and national advocate for American Indian rights, history and culture. "She instilled her beliefs, values, principles and oral history through her immediate family and extended tribal members. Ms. Tantaquidgeon firmly believe d that the best cure for prejudice was education," he said. "Her beliefs resonated throughout the country and throughout Indian country." Rell said, "Tantaquidgeon shared 106 years with Connecticut and its people and all of us are richer for it." The Mohegan Tribal offices will be closed Wednesday to mark an official day of mourning. A funeral service is tentatively scheduled for Sunday at Shantok Village of Uncas in Uncasville, where a tribal burial ground is located, Zobel said.
MMV Infinity Broadcasting Corp.
I'm very quiet and very much of blending into the background where ever i am. Kind of comfortable for me.
THIS IS MY FAMILY(so far). so show some respect!
What i cannot stand is that people portray pitbulls as these horrid creatures with only a mind to do the most awful things. They are only as good or bad as thier masters create them to be. So take a moment and watch this video.
.. width="425" height="350" ..
I have a thing for my dreams. Can't help it. I happen to have them sporaticly that are mostly frightening and it's not that I'm complaining. They have more than once come true and I pay attention to my dreams completely. Most of the time, they relate to something going on in my life or someone elses. I used to wake up in the middle of the night with my fists drawn back ready to knock someone out. {LMAO The most embarrassing time that happened was on the Amtrak train!}
I'm an empath. If I had connected to you on any kind of emotional level-whether we hate eachother or not-I can feel what you are feeling if it is a strong enough feeling. I enjoy this, but not always. When I'm down-which hardly ever happens any more for the past year or so-it's not usually from me. It's someone i know. You can be someone I've met in flesh or someone I've talked to on the computer. Doesn't matter. I can still feel you. Strange but true. It kind of freaks me out too. Like the phrase goes: "A friend, sir, should always keep his friendship in constant repair."
I mentioned that I love poetry. Here is some I created in the past and present
Your eyes are lovely
Come over and kiss me
When will you let me please you
My urge is fullfilling you
Innocent giggles
Echoes into my nightly breeze
Walking me through trees
That carnal way you glance
It puts me on an icey grace of trance
Pull away
You make me shudder
Come away to the cloudy skies
Feel my reddening eyes
As my vampire cries
You are so young
And I tower
You must be older
Innocence is calling your bluff
Pouring heaven from your red llips
Floating in your veins-I want sips
I see your fantasy
Come walk with me
You caught my way
Sensual vanity
You're closed
Fevers don't reach you
I adore you more and more
Desire crashes against the cliff shore
I can see you
Be with me
Flashes of triangle
Are you alive?
Do you know what your innocence does?
Crying blood is virgin
You don't know it
Tell me to come to you from within
You are my innocence.
Copyright © 2008 Elixabeth S. Wynants
Filled with ice
Put back thrice
I'm dead
Little black box
Seeping clocks
Coursed red
From a centuries old journal
Dead fingers in multi languages
Emotionally eternal
Where the dead meets the living
Spinning free webs
Spun to the moons ebb
Coarsing through my veins
Of a vessel
It drains
Pay no attention to a mortals clock.
Copyright ©2006 Elizabeth Moody
A child cries in the dark
In the fetal possition
As the insects howel
Feeling heavey
Feeling weightless
Unfamiliar to a careing carress
Born to die
Dead in cry
Sitting in the blinding dark
Awaiting its final mark
Hallow child
Parting from the counting breaths
Life being a broken Etch-A-Sketch
Empty feeling child
Who cries in the dark
A child who needs to be
Like a dead mans breath
He breathed
Put back together.
Copyright ©2006 Elizabeth Moody
You're a king, laying in your coffin
Fading out too often
Battling a wonderful feeling,
Calling Alice from her Wonderland
Stripping and shattering dreams
Spilling from the streams
Dieing to play another game.
Copyright ©2006 Elizabeth Moody
God doesn't exist
He's not perfect
Heaven's over rated
The door's always locked
Forever, falling from god's lips
Never wanted me anyway
So I dip my hips
And crashed on earth my way
Forever human, to stay
The jealous god-
Biblically stated from the beginning
He is the falling king
As I forever fall from him
Allowing back stabbing deciples
To kiss his son beneith the apples
Destroying his own kingdom
Murdering, jealous god
Killing innocent people
An innocent life always robbed.
Copyright ©2006 Elizabeth Moody
Falling from a dead mans heart
Bathing together
This ageing illussion
Of being a living person
Falling into passious touches
Sweet taste of the dead lips
Tearing from the fount
A dead mans puls
Conquering his queen
Burning her a dream
Cradling her vein
Dragging his immortal flesh
Through that crimson stench
Eyes rolling as he breathes through his nose
Curling his very toes
At the sight of a beautiful rose
Kissing the wind next to him
Waking his queen
Opening her lids from the dream.
Copyright ©2006 Elizabeth Moody
Languages. Another passion in me. Every now and then, I'd pick up the book my grandmother, Oma, had of Old German. It was think, dusty, and the pages were so yellow and brittle that I could have sworn that a chain smoker had gotten a hold of the book before us. My grandmother did not smoke for MANY moons. Now I'm the smoker. The pages were brittle before I'd gotten it. My latest language to learn is Japanese. There's levels to everything. Level one is question words, responding, two parts to responding in agreement, disagreement responses, refusal, requests and commands, unfavorable responses, praising apprearance and intelligance and charactoristics, emergancy, and useful expressions. Level two is greetings, partings, asking how, various questions on two parts, responding in agreements on two parts, disagreement responces, refusal, command, and command don'ts, encouragement, surpris, happiness, anger, sadness, weather, useful expressions at public eateries and shopping and parties. Level three is a lot like level one but with permissions, common expressions for the unknown, exclamitory expressions, expressions of disappointment, permission asking. And some of level two but with more of the public things. Yes, Japanese is a BITCH to learn. Especially when you're teaching yourself online by reading and using the bable fish and just learning from wherever.
MY ARTWORK(there's more in my pictures)
Lady Life
Create your own visitor map!
January 12, 2008
I was in this 50's diner/bar/grocery store(like Hewitt's in Berlin) where there's a lot of Native American people in modern day clothes. Candice comes up to me and says something about playing something on the juke box but she doesn't have the right change. Ok. so I go up to the lady and young man at the register at the deli section with flies in it's window and get some change. I go to put a coin in the juke box and it's rounded off square with a key like end that goes into the lock. What the fuck, man. So I'm trying to figure out which way to put it in and finally get it. When it goes in, it doesn't play music. It openes a door with a curtain over it 4 ft away from us.
July 22, 2007**I was with Shaylah in an apartment building where the paint was so old that it was cracking and flacking off in large contributions. The color looked like it used to be an off white or antique white or something. Shaylah and I are up in the upper ceiling loft where it's all open and you could just randomly through things above the stairs and there's a little window at the wall opposite the open wall to the apartment doors hallway. We're just chilling amongst the junk and we get down to get some snacks to take back up with us. On either side of the loft are the two doors and an open narrow hallway to the back portch. Small quarters! While we were getting snacks, I peeked around our doors corner to get a glimps of our mysterious neighbors. The guy was blone, shaved head growing out and white guy. Jeans and a light colored button up short sleeved shirt, but the kind you can wear any day, any time, any where. He sees me, but I put my head back in the door like I wasn't looking. He saw me anyway though. Then Shay introduced us real quick, but I can't remember his name. So we're back up in the loft and she brought strawberries and chocolate to dip them in. Yum, right? NOPE! Something inside me screamed not to get myself into it. "I hope I'm not allergic to the cocolate." I muttered. She was already eating but asking why. In reality, i'm not allergic to chocolate. "I shouldn't be doing this." Against my own will, I take a bit and I start choking!Finaly, the fruit comes up but the chocolate's already desolved into me. I turn into a rock of lava drying colored Leopard/Jaguar with Myan designs. I run, scared out of my mind off the loft into our neighbors apartment. I go through the living room at an alarming rate, claws scratching the hardwood floor into the door to my immediate left. In the livingroom was a young woman with dark wavey hair of brouwn, chesnut hightlights and black undertones, reading a book without looking up at me. There were plants and photos and candles all over the place. Simple furniture and small kitchen with a very low kitchen setting to it. As I'm running into the bedroom, I slam the door shut and jump on the small two-person sized bed to my immediat left. Still in Leopard/Jaguar form, I pant, still scared out of my mind. Then I see a photograph. With my human shape I take it into my hands to look at it, thinking, 'I know these people', but now in reality, I cannot recall thier faces.
April 11, 2007
Was here in town on a summer day. My olderst brother got stupid going down 22 and crashed his car going across a bridge during his zig-zag dallying. The car flips onto its top on the downward... Brian's not in it. I pull the blue ar Oma, mother, and I are into a lot by the plank base monument. Don't know what happened to it, but the car disappeared and I'm fliying through town, holding onto something above my head. When I get down by Seagroatt's I can't do it anymore. I meet a blonde haired guy that made me feel uneasy. He's trying to get me to go somewher with him but I don't want to go. Next thing I know, I'm under the green bridge with a young man with long black hair and very tan skin.
"Your birth right," he tells me in a hurried tone, showing me palm sized gems and stones and myriads of writings in print with artificial pieces of art and drawings.
an angry band of people; women and teens and children, come under after us, trying to drownd me and burning the items as the water instantaniously evaporates to the dirt a hard dry dirt floor. An old wood stove appears on the side opposite we came in-there it is by the field, but still under the bridge-does that make sence? Trying to destroy it all. There is darkness except for where the fires light hits. After trying to fight off an angry 12 yr old from artifacts, I reached into the flame to pull out what I could olny drop it on the floor with fire still eating the edges. A lizard with wings and clouds and trees surrounding it and an intricate boarder. The flames have given it a caramel color while the yellow, white and orange, blue tipped flames devoured it. Nothing was saved except the red stone I either swallowed or put in my pocket. I think they killed the young man who tried to show me all this stuff.
May 4, 2006
A gruesome mass murder who loved to fondle his victims. He had a human body with his brain exposed like a geleton dish in his head. Lips were missing from his mouth and long muscular arms and legs; wrapped around his waist was a sheet. He used his daughters soul to lure women into an abandoned building where he raped them 3 different ways-each being worse than the one before. The first one was physical. The second minipulating thier mind with magic spawned off by what the women worry about while getting raped physically. The third was thier soul. An unknown friend ended up in the hospital, so I went after him myself. I began to walk through an abandoned stairwell to the lobby where it only opened up to a parking lot to a deserted atream. Before I found a victim I was too late to save, a warm-dead body walked awfully clumsily at me in a murderous stare with a scroll in her hand and her leg muscle exploding through her skirt torn. She raised her hand with the scroll that turned into an axe. I do not remember how i got away from her. The net was a child chained to a throne by his neck until he leaps to my crying arms, beheading himself by the razors on the inside of the collar. I fell to my knees, digging a grave through the solid concrete with my fingers. It gave way like beach sand and I buried his body and head. From the grave sprouts a dead form with his head open and he picks me up by my ribcage (like Luke had done in the awake world in my kitchen in Hoosick Falls, NY) to his lips and bites my on the cheek. He drops me to the floor that suddenly turns into a paper littered alleyway. I get on the mororcycle and drive up the alley. His fledgling victims of previous murders interupted have begun to chase me. Soon I'm on my way with the mortorcycle still, through the hospital. It looks like South Western Vermont Medical Center. The corridors are wide and spot light. Theough I somehow manage to pull the motorcycle that's low and wide into a little door where the room is big. There are almost 15 beds in this room. Each time one eye closes, another opens from the patients. I back the bike out, leaking salt. Since when do bikes leak salt?! My cousin Josh is sitting in a chair and my cousin David is standing across from him with a little smile, though it is sad. Josh looks mentally hurt by a new disaster. A woman is sitting across from Josh. The room I was just in opened and they put into my arms two babies. One is sweet looking while the other has tiny black eyes and a bucket like nose and mouth like a pig and a bonnet on its head. They are both smiling at first then demonicly hiss at me. I let them go in my new fear and they disappear, leaving a crocheted baby blanket laying over the gas tank.
ENERGY~*~LOG September 23, 2007**Four days into reading "Peony In Love"-a seventeenth century book based in China. I recieved a coin (as a quarter at work, so i traded it with an actual quarter) with what looks like Confussious on the one side with 100 and two symbols on both sides. It was so odd that I made it a necklace to remember it.
July 24, 2007**I was fine until I got into work; then all my bubbilness disappeared in a horrific wave of grief and anger. I was so overwhelmed that the first half of the day was absolutely awful. Someone I used to know's brother came in (like he has been the past months) and asked if I had remembered him. No, I said. Turns out that he is the brother of someone I knew back in Hoosick Falls. Been thinking about his brother for some reason and wondering how he's been doing. How odd that this should happen. But how fortuitous as well. His brother's "messed up" from going over seas to Iraq! Now I know why I was so strongly wondering how he's been the past while.
July 22, 2007**Another bad day for Sam. Another day of trying to cheer her up. When we got out of work, she brought me home and I told her she could vent to me any time or even if she just wants to hang out. Have been trying to send good vibes her way to help her cheer her up throught the day.
July 21, 2207**Sam seems to be haveing a bad day at work, so while at work I've been trying to cheer her up. When I got home, I tried to send her some good energy to help her not be so sad or angy, because I felt that it's both.
If you are like me and your OCD is to write, here's some great advice for you from Amelia Atwater-Rhodes: odes/advice.htm

My Interests

Martial arts, dragons,drawing, visiting the dead, MUSIC, moonlight, silver, absolute dorkiness, traveling hither and tither, Wicca and Witchcraft, that one scarey movie to give me nightmares...the search is ongoing in that department. *sigh* becoming one of the best autors ever. I want to be remembered for my sweet words and insane imagination. Wouldn't you?
I happen to think that trains with all the airisole paint going on on them are moving art galleries. I don't know how many of you actually stop and watch them go by or keep your eyes on them as much as possible while you're walking. Some of the greatest talent has been those portraits. I've seen a huge shroom and my friend's seen a huge Yoda. But I must say, I have seen one origonal piece that I only saw once and it was too quick going by to read it; the lettering was Chloister BlackBT(like deploma or caligraphy). I looked up just in time to see it go by. Recognized the letters, though. Who ever did it, you are amazing. How many others actually see this as actual art other than me? It's beautiful stuff!

*Observing people. If you don't look around you, sometimes there's really no reason for you to be there because you have no idea what's going on. Acting too soon is like a failure in an op.

*"Being proud of the things i do and seeing others eyes light up when it's for them.

*LOVE! As I've said before, it's supposed to be this hidden world that no one wants to exsist unless they have it themselves. Good things come to those who wait! so relax.

MySpace Graphics

I love different things; especially what I don't see much about. Learning is a MUST. Especially on languages and learning to write in different languages.


sign up so we can bite the shit outta people together

QUOTES Face2Face: "Be sure to keep a mirror always nigh in some convenient, handy sort of place and now and then look squarely in thine eye, and with thyself keep ever face to face."
--John Kendrick Bangs{1862-1922}
"Honesty is for the most par tless profitable than dishonesty. "

"Almost all absurdity of conduct arises from the imitation of those whom we can not resemble."
--Samuel Johnson (July 2,1751) {1709-1784}

Behavior: "Death re-creates an individual out of someone who has fallen singly from the ranks."
--John Mason Brown

"When the dust of death has choked a great man's voice, the common words he said turn oracles."
--Elizabeth Barrett Browning

"How far you go in life depends on you being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak and the strong. Because someday in life you will have been all of these."
--George Washington Carver

There is a time for's called "later".
--Promise Message

Adopt A Pitbull Today!


I'd like to meet:

Whoopi Goldburgh, crew at the Sanctuary bar, YOU!
*+* *+* *+* *+* *+* *+* *+* *+* *+* *+* *+* *+* *+* *+* *+* *+*

Matt Damon (don't ask why I chose such a goofy picture. I just think it's funny that he look's like a madman in it)



Killswitch Engage, Soldier Of Scrape, Dead Puppets MUSIC

T3CHN0PHOB1A, Johnny Cash, Enya, MSI, MUSIC

Love Spit Love, Medecine, X, Earth Crisis MUSIC

Switchblade Symphony, Lacuna Coil, Paramore, Korn, Tricky... I'm into just about anything really-ecept country. {Patsy Cline will do though}

What's the difference between a Jehoua's Witness and a Hell's Angel? A Hell's Angel comes up to your door and tells you to fuck off. ~Sebastian Bach


MOVIES 3 Kings *+* 40 Days, 40 Nights *+* Avalon *+* Beauty & The Beast(and the old tv show) *+* Clerks *+* Coolworld *+* Corpse Bride *+* Cradle OF Fear *+* *+* Crazy As Hell *+* Donie Darko *+* Ghost Ship *+* Hang Man's Curse *+* Havoc *+* House Of A 1,000 Corpses *+* I'm Not Afraid *+* Jackass2 *+* Joan Of Arc *+* Ju-On *+* King Arther *+* Labrynth *+* Lady In The Water *+* Land Of The Dead *+* Legand *+* Major Payne *+* Pathfinder *+* Practical Magic *+* Pump Up The Volume *+* Robin Hood : Prince of Thieves *+* SLC Punk! *+* Stargate *+* Tank Girl *+* The Crow *+* The Eye 1&2 *+* The Grudge2 *+* The Outsiders *+* Tistan & Isolde *+* Underworld *+* Unforgiven *+* Untamed Heart *+* Welcome To The Dollhouse *+* Who Framed Roger Rabbit *+* Willow *+*

Trailer: Tristan & Isolde Flixster - Share Movies

This is a music video made from parts scattered all over the movie Tristan & Isolde. My all time favorite movie


Cash Cab, Hex, Jeopardy, N/CSI, The Weakest Link, The Whitest Kids U Know, Tin Man


the Dark-Hunter series; that goes along with the D-H chat

"Little boy, Im not your friend. Im not your Dark-Hunter and Im not your friggin date. You only speak to me when I ask you a question. Otherwise you keep your mouth shut, your eyes off me, and you might live long enough to get me to the French Quarter." ~Zarek

Anne Rice novels, and anything else really that is really a thick pager.

Comic Books!!! I was such a junkie back in the day-you've no idea

~~~my little brother is this crazy little guy
action/romance/gore pretty much-the kind i like to write.


Oma and my mother

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My Blog

Big F*ing Spiders

Chad, Tammy, myself, and a few others are still going to open our shop now that everyone's clean and sober. There's many places to get it settled into in Nepolean and a couple of nice places in Grand ...
Posted by Infestation on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 11:34:00 PST


Well, tomorrow i will be moving to Defiance again...I am going to miss hanging out with people and getting to know new ones. Enjoyed my brief time at E.Vol/Gator'z, Club Bijou, Spice's, and all that j...
Posted by Infestation on Thu, 17 Jan 2008 02:15:00 PST

Check out this event: ENJOY VOID808 S DEBUT ALBUM

Hosted By: VOID808 & iTUNES world wideWhen: Monday Dec 01, 2008 at 8:08 PMWhere: NOT AN EVENT JUST LISTEN : )PLEASE, CA 90680United StatesDescription:VOID808 & iTUNES world wide Click Here To View...
Posted by Infestation on Thu, 17 Jan 2008 01:49:00 PST

Fuckin’ chairs, man....

Oh my freaking god, man. Could Herold have gotten any more weird of chairs in the world. They're a pain in the ass to take apart and put back together. I think i said fuck it and left 2 washers off th...
Posted by Infestation on Sun, 13 Jan 2008 12:35:00 PST

william shakespeare is a falsified identity...

There's been a lot of talk behind the historical backs about William being a false identity for someone who had children who could not read, nor could they write. What I would like to know is what y...
Posted by Infestation on Tue, 08 Jan 2008 10:38:00 PST


1 - When was the last time you cried? A long time ago2 - Have you ever faked sick? when i was in high school3 - What was the last lie you said? I don't know-i hardly ever do4 - Have you ever cried dur...
Posted by Infestation on Mon, 07 Jan 2008 01:40:00 PST

Odd questions as usual

1. The status of you and the last person you talked to on the phone?she's my ex-fiance's mom2. What's bothering you right now?Nothing. i'm feeling kind of Tranquil5. Wallpaper on your computer's deskt...
Posted by Infestation on Mon, 07 Jan 2008 06:10:00 PST

for a story

  Tips & Warnings SEAL is an acronym for "Sea," "Air," and "Land," the environments in which team members are prepared to carry out missions. SEALs trace their origin to the Navy Combat De...
Posted by Infestation on Thu, 27 Dec 2007 05:44:00 PST

What you see here...

I look out the windows and i see the city.... many buildings. a 4-way, bus stop signs, kids getting off the school bus across the street. The projects across the street. trees. A large parking lo...
Posted by Infestation on Wed, 26 Dec 2007 02:09:00 PST

Just a survey

Name:LixBirthdate:AprilBirthplace:Pittsfield, MassCurrent Location:Toledo, OHEye Color:blue-ones darker than the otherHair Color:natural red with faded highlightsHeight:5' 5"Weight:no cluePiercings:la...
Posted by Infestation on Wed, 26 Dec 2007 01:01:00 PST