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About Me

Hello there mr's and missy's i am Aleah, i am into alot of rock metal n old school rock, i am not a judgemental person i try not to be steriotypical, i am 13 yrs old i am gunna be 14 in june, heh:-p i am so kool like that, o an member monkies can fly and rainbows are kool and monkies can live in water.... sporks are fun... hehe i am a funny person i guesses, lots of people call me crazy but they love me, is there exact words lol, i am blonde hair blue eyes 5'4, i am aleah aleah aleah n if u call me a goth ill kill u n if u ask what i am or label me ill kick u.... ill bite u to...i wish sometimes i was a vampire, that be kool, one that can come out at daylight and stuff and roam the world when people are awake.... i am into or TRYING TO learn more about witch craft, i cant say ima wiccan yet, but i will soon learn to be called that, if i get really interested and forfilled in it....well thats about it want more about me then spank my ass up...juss kidden beucase if u touch me my bf will kill you lmfao! .

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