Well, right now my interests are Brad and working to pay my car off. Yes, I had to put Brad in here somewhere. Oh, what an exciting life I lead.
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Walk the Line, Notebook, A Walk to Remember, Good Will Hunting, Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, Saw 2, Titanic, Ice Age, Ice Age 2, Phantom of the Opera, etc. And the list could go on and on and on. But, i will not torture you.
American Idol, Friends, Who Wants to be a Millionaire, Simpsons, Family Guy, Becker, What Not to Wear, etc.
I know this sound's childish, but Sweet Valley Saga. What? It is a really good book!
SUPERMAN. Not really. My heroes are any and every person that has the ambition and drive to do something that they really want to do. Weather it is singing at their high school talent show or going to college to make something of themselves. It is challeging for a lot of people. Therefore, I admire the ones who can do so.