Vincent Van Gogh, Marilyn Monroe, my heroes listed below (except my grandmother obviously), and George W. Bush so that I can bitch slap him
It's quite a random mix; Coldplay, Gavin DeGraw, Maroon 5 Etta James, Ottis Redding, Aretha Franklin Justin Timberlake, Michael Jackson, Carrie Underwood, Kelly Clarkson, Rhianna, Or Anything that can make me dance.
Queer As Folk, Friends, Nip/Tuck, ANTM, TMNT, Thundercats, South Park, Real World, Will and Grace, Project Runway, Entourage, and obviously... AMERICAN IDOL
1984 and Wicked
My Grandmother, James Dean, John F.Kennedy, Lion-O from Thundercats-Hooooo