The more women there are about, the softer a wise man steps
Rarely do we see an origonal movie anymore.....there is really NO imagination left in Hollywood, hell even Disney is running out of ideas.....all that SEEMS to be left is fucked up remakes of imaginitive landmark films. although some remakes are done very well by incredably talented people, it's still a remake. We need to start paying more attention the the independant film makers. They have true artistic vision, they dont care about what most ppl think cuz it's self exspression (ex. George Lucus when he made Star Wars) & they dont play by the conventional rules set by the established plutacracy (a.k.a. The Overpayed Puppets known as the U.S. Govt. & Mega Companies out to make a quick buck off of anything)
TV for the most part is boring to me outside of the History & Discovery Channels....."Reality" shows are stupid bullshit clogging up our airwaves & as far as the news goes...out side of the weather it sucks, it sucks becuz it is cencered & only used as a modle to drive fear into the minds watching it (at least here in the states. )Whom ever it is that believes it's best to not show the US citizens the truth happening in the world should be hog tied & taken where the truth happens with their eyes ripped out so they can only hear what the truth sounds may be vile, but at least it's the truth.
How are US citizens supposed to know what's really happening in the world with-out being able to see it first hand.?.?.seriouly!!!
I'll say this, I'm pretty damn sure some of the ways the US govt. is hiding the truth & brainwashing the minds of its citizens is by clouding judgments & minds by keeping them eatting garbage foods to keep them fat & planted in front of the boob tube & using crappy catchy pop music, media driven madness (in it's many forms) of minor happenings in Hollywoods glamour bunch (actors) & talk shows designed to distract from overall US & world views by focusing on trivial crap like who's fucking who's roomy in the closet that they just came out of after they have a kid together by someone elses daddy's momma's sisters cousin's best friend they used to fuck in some drug infested ghetto in Califorina or the Bronx after they got kicked out of bootcamp for calling the drill instructor a nigger spick faggot jew commie bastard....LIKE IT FUCKING MATTERS PEOPLE!!!((Why someone would actually be interested enough to want to watch something like that & really get into it is far beyond my comprehension.))
Even worse our government has finally figured out how to use the most powerful weapon of all... religon....
In doing this it can count on the people to hate, kill & die on a whim in the name of a diety that the plutacracy has recreadted time & again & only exsists in the minds of people. All of this they work very hard on & re-sculpt to keep us from knowing & doing one thing........ask questions to find out the truth.
Above all...our youth have no idea of the terror in the world & what awaits outside the US bourders becuz they are glued to MTV, "Reality TV" & Who's Flavor Flav going to pick to fuck next in a viking helmet.
When the End of dayz do come which will be very will be interesting to watch & see what happens to all those mindless sheeple...mass panik, looting, murder on a huge scale & dare I say repentance to verious dieties will be the minds of most, where as the smart few will do what's needed to servive...if in fact there is any chance of that at all...
I know I sound crazy now, & that's ok, I'm fine w/ that...but we shall see....I just hope I'm wrong.
here, this will keep you occupied till then....