"Heavenly Bodies", a massive multiplayer role-playing game bringing a very new dimension to the adult gamming Nest Egg Studios Team.
Heavenly Bodies: Riffed Galaxy "Online
"Heavenly Bodies" is a Massive Multiplayer Ultra Genre Game (MMOUGG) Game play involves player-characters living in a universe where magic and science co-exist, where gods oversee galactic empires and any adventure is possible. "Guardians" appointed by the gods, watch over and interact with the player-characters' as they embark on adventures encompassing a variety of games and mini-games, providing a unique experience for each player depending on his or her preference, from action to diplomacy.
Basic| Game Features List:
HB Galaxy:
Over 20 worlds, 14 dimensions, ancillary satellites (Natural and Man Made) and expansive story lines that game players help to create; players are guaranteed an enjoyable and unique gaming experience every time.
Dynamic Avatars:
Avatars bodies change throughout the gaming experience depending on how avatars live their lives
Advanced Sexual | Combat System:
Rich tactical combat, sexual and relationship simulations, spells, power-ups and skill systems
Dating and Networking Communities:
The dating community and networking features accessed in game, as well through Heavenly Bodies main website account system. (These profiles and communities connect to HB Community Friends Network Profile.)
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